Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Verse 159

Here is, 1. David’s appeal to God concerning his love to his precepts: “Lord, thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I love them; consider it then, and deal with me as thou usest to deal with those that love thy word, which thou hast magnified above all thy name.” He does not say, “Consider how I fulfil thy precepts;” he was conscious to himself that in many things he came short; but, “Consider how I love them.” Our obedience is pleasing to God, and pleasant to ourselves, only when it comes from a principle of love. 2. His petition thereupon: “Quicken me, to do my duty with vigour; revive me, keep me alive, not according to any merit of mine, though I love thy word, but according to thy lovingkindness;” to that we owe our lives, nay, that is better than live itself. We need not desire to be quickened any further than God’s lovingkindness will quicken us. MHBCC 598.144