Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Verse 135

David here, as often as elsewhere, writes himself God’s servant, a title he gloried in, though he was a king; now here, as became a good servant, 1. He is very ambitious of his Master’s favour, accounting that his happiness and chief good. He asks not for corn and wine, for silver and gold, but, “Make thy face to shine upon thy servant; let me be accepted of thee, and let me know that I am so. Comfort me with the light of thy countenance in every cloudy and dark day. If the world frown upon me, yet do thou smile.” 2. He is very solicitous about his Master’s work, accounting that his business and chief concern. This he would be instructed in, that he might do it, and do it well, so as to be accepted in the doing of it: Teach me thy statutes. Note, We must pray as earnestly for grace as for comfort. If God hides his face from us, it is because we have been careless in keeping his statutes; and therefore, that we may be qualified for the returns of his favour, we must pray for wisdom to do our duty. MHBCC 598.121