Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Verse 52

When David was derided for his godliness he not only held fast his integrity, but, 1. He comforted himself. He not only bore reproach, but bore it cheerfully. It did not disturb his peace, nor break in upon the repose of his spirit in God. It was a comfort to him to think that it was for God’s sake that he bore reproach, and that his worst enemies could find no occasion against him, save only in the matter of his God, Daniel 6:5. Those that are derided for their adherence to God’s law may comfort themselves with this, that the reproach of Christ will prove, in the end, greater riches to them than the treasures of Egypt. 2. That which he comforted himself with was the remembrance of God’s judgments of old, the providences of God concerning his people formerly, both in mercy to them and in justice against their persecutors. God’s judgments of old, in our own early days and in the days of our fathers, are to be remembered by us for our comfort and encouragement in the way of God, for he is still the same. MHBCC 598.47