Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Psalms 116

This is a thanksgiving psalm; it is not certain whether David penned it upon any particular occasion or upon a general review of the many gracious deliverances God had wrought for him, out of six troubles and seven, which deliverances draw from him many very lively expressions of devotion, love, and gratitude; and with similar pious affections our souls should be lifted up to God in singing it. Observe, I. The great distress and danger that the psalmist was in, which almost drove him to despair, Psalms 116:3, 116:10, 116:11. II. The application he made to God in that distress, Psalms 116:4. III. The experience he had of God’s goodness to him, in answer to prayer; God heard him (Psalms 116:1, 116:2), pitied him (Psalms 116:5, 116:6), delivered him, Psalms 116:8. IV His care respecting the acknowledgments he should make of the goodness of God to him, Psalms 116:12. 1. He will love God, Psalms 116:1. 2. He will continue to call upon him, Psalms 116:2, 116:13, 116:17. 3. He will rest in him, Psalms 116:7. 4. He will walk before him, Psalms 116:9. 5. He will pay his vows of thanksgiving, in which he will own the tender regard God had to him, and this publicly, Psalms 116:13-116:15, 116:17-116:19. Lastly, He will continue God’s faithful servant to his life’s end, Psalms 116:16. These are such breathings of a holy soul as bespeak it very happy. MHBCC 595.1