Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Psalms 115

Many ancient translations join this psalm to that which goes next before it, the Septuagint particularly, and the vulgar Latin; but it is, in the Hebrew, a distinct psalm. In it we are taught to give glory, I. To God, and not to ourselves, Psalms 115:1. II. To God, and not to idols, Psalms 115:2-115:8. We must give glory to God, 1. By trusting in him, and in his promise and blessing, Psalms 115:9-115:15. 2. By blessing him, Psalms 115:16-115:18. Some think this psalm was penned upon occasion of some great distress and trouble that the church of God was in, when the enemies were in insolent and threatening, in which case the church does not so much pour out her complaint to God as place her confidence in God, and triumph in doing so; and with such a holy triumph we ought to sing this psalm. MHBCC 594.1