Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Psalms 114

The deliverance of Israel out of Egypt gave birth to their church and nation, which were then founded, then formed; that work of wonder ought therefore to be had in everlasting remembrance. God gloried in it, in the preface to the ten commandments, and Hosea 11:1; “Out of Egypt have I called my son.” In this psalm it is celebrated in lively strains of praise; it was fitly therefore made a part of the great Hallelujah, or song of praise, which the Jews were wont to sing at the close of the passover-supper. It must never be forgotten, I. That they were brought out of slavery, Psalms 114:1. II. That God set up his tabernacle among them, Psalms 114:2. III. That the sea and Jordan were divided before them, Psalms 114:3, 114:5. IV. That the earth shook at the giving of the law, when God came down on Mount Sinai, Psalms 114:4, 114:6, 114:7. V. That God gave them water out of the rock, Psalms 114:8. In singing this psalm we must acknowledge God’s power and goodness in what he did for Israel, applying it to the much greater work of wonder, our redemption by Christ, and encouraging ourselves and others to trust in God in the greatest straits. MHBCC 593.1