Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Psalms 107

The psalmist, having in the two foregoing psalms celebrated the wisdom, power, and goodness of God, in his dealings with his church in particular, here observes some of the instances of his providential care of the children of men in general, especially in their distresses; for he is not only King of saints, but King of nations, not only the God of Israel, but the God of the whole earth, and a common Father to all mankind. Though this may especially refer to Israelites in their personal capacity, yet there were those who pertained not to the commonwealth of Israel and yet were worshippers of the true God; and even those who worshipped images had some knowledge of a supreme “Numen,” to whom, when they were in earnest, they looked above all their false gods. And of these, when they prayed in their distresses, God took a particular care, I. The psalmist specifies some of the most common calamities of human life, and shows how God succours those that labour under them, in answer to their prayers. I. Banishment and dispersion, Psalms 107:2-107:9. 2. Captivity and imprisonment, Psalms 107:10-107:16. 3. Sickness and distemper of body, Psalms 107:17-107:22. 4. Danger and distress at sea, Psalms 107:23-107:32. These are put for all similar perils, in which those that cry unto God have ever found him a very present help. II. He specifies the varieties and vicissitudes of events concerning nations and families, in all which God’s hand is to be eyed by his own people, with joyful acknowledgments of his goodness, Psalms 107:33-107:43. When we are in any of these or the like distresses it will be comfortable to sing this psalm, with application; but, if we be not, others are, and have been, of whose deliverances it becomes us to give God the glory, for we are members one of another. MHBCC 586.1