Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Psalms 88

This psalm is a lamentation, one of the most melancholy of all the psalms; and it does not conclude, as usually the melancholy psalms do, with the least intimation of comfort or joy, but, from first to last, it is mourning and woe. It is not upon a public account that the psalmist here complains (here is no mention of the afflictions of the church), but only upon a personal account, especially trouble of mind, and the grief impressed upon his spirits both by his outward afflictions and by the remembrance of his sins and the fear of God’s wrath. It is reckoned among the penitential psalms, and it is well when our fears are thus turned into the right channel, and we take occasion from our worldly grievances to sorrow after a godly sort. In this psalm we have, I. The great pressure of spirit that the psalmist was under, Psalms 88:3-88:6. II. The wrath of God, which was the cause of that pressure, Psalms 88:7, 88:15-88:17. III. The wickedness of his friends, Psalms 88:8, 88:18. IV. The application he made to God by prayer, Psalms 88:1, 88:2, 88:9, 88:13. V. His humble expostulations and pleadings with God, Psalms 88:10, 88:12, 88:14. Those who are in trouble of mind may sing this psalm feelingly; those that are not ought to sing it thankfully, blessing God that it is not their case. MHBCC 567.1