Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Psalms 87

The foregoing psalm was very plain and easy, but in this are things dark and hard to be understood. It is an encomium of Zion, as a type and figure of the gospel-church, to which what is here spoken is very applicable. Zion, for the temple’s sake, is here preferred, I. Before the rest of the land of Canaan, as being crowned with special tokens of God’s favour, Psalms 87:1-87:3. II. Before any other place or country whatsoever, as being replenished with more eminent men and with a greater plenty of divine blessings, Psalms 87:4-87:7. Some think it was penned to express the joy of God’s people when Zion was in a flourishing state; others think it was penned to encourage their faith and hope when Zion was in ruins and was to be rebuilt after the captivity. Though no man cared for her (Jeremiah 30:17; “This is Zion whom no man seeketh after”), yet God had done great things for her, and spoken glorious things of her, which should all have their perfection and accomplishment in the gospel-church; to that therefore we must have an eye in singing this psalm. MHBCC 566.1