Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Genesis 39

At this chapter we return to the story of Joseph. We have him here, I. A servant, a slave in Potiphar’s house (Genesis 39:1), and yet there greatly honoured and favoured, 1. By the providence of God, which made him, in effect, a master, Genesis 39:2-39:6. 2. By the grace of God, which made him more than a conqueror over a strong temptation to uncleanness, Genesis 39:7-39:12. II. We have him here a sufferer, falsely accused (Genesis 39:13-39:18), imprisoned (Genesis 39:19, 39:20), and yet his imprisonment made both honourable and comfortable by the tokens of God’s special presence with him, Genesis 39:21-39:23. And herein Joseph was a type of Christ, “who took upon him the form of a servant,” and yet then did that which made it evident that “God was with him,” who was tempted by Satan, but overcame the temptation, who was falsely accused and bound, and yet had all things committed to his hand. MHBCC 40.1