Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Psalms 73

This psalm, and the ten that next follow it, carry the name of Asaph in the titles of them. If he was the penman of them (as many think), we rightly call them psalms of Asaph. If he was only the chief musician, to whom they were delivered, our marginal reading is right, which calls them psalms for Asaph. It is probable that he penned them; for we read of the words of David and of Asaph the seer, which were used in praising God in Hezekiah’s time, 2 Chronicles 29:30. Though the Spirit of prophecy by sacred songs descended chiefly on David, who is therefore styled “the sweet psalmist of Israel,” yet God put some of that Spirit upon those about him. This is a psalm of great use; it gives us an account of the conflict which the psalmist had with a strong temptation to envy the prosperity of wicked people. He begins his account with a sacred principle, which he held fast, and by the help of which he kept his ground and carried his point, Psalms 73:1. He then tells us, I. How he got into the temptation, Psalms 73:2-73:14. II. How he got out of the temptation and gained a victory over it, Psalms 73:15-73:20. III. How he got by the temptation and was the better for it, Psalms 73:21-73:23. If, in singing this psalm, we fortify ourselves against the life temptation, we do not use it in vain. The experiences of others should be our instructions. MHBCC 552.1