Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Psalms 63

This psalm has in it as much of warmth and lively devotion as any of David’s psalms in so little a compass. As the sweetest of Paul’s epistles were those that bore date out of a prison, so some of the sweetest of David’s psalms were those that were penned, as this was, in a wilderness. That which grieved him most in his banishment was the want of public ordinances; these he here longs to be restored to the enjoyment of; and the present want did but whet his appetite. Yet it is not the ordinances, but the God of the ordinances, that his heart is upon. And here we have, I. His desire towards God, Psalms 63:1, 63:2. II. His esteem of God, Psalms 63:3, 63:4. III. His satisfaction in God, Psalms 63:5. IV. His secret communion with God, Psalms 63:6. V. His joyful dependence upon God, Psalms 63:7-63:8. IV. His holy triumph in God over his enemies and in the assurance of his own safety, Psalms 63:9-63:11. A devout and pious soul has little need of direction how to sing this psalm, so naturally does it speak its own genuine language; and an unsanctified soul, that is unacquainted and unaffected with divine things, is scarcely capable of singing it with understanding. MHBCC 542.1