Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Psalms 60

After many psalms which David penned in a day of distress this comes which was calculated for a day of triumph; it was penned after he was settled in the throne, upon occasion of an illustrious victory which God blessed his forces with over the Syrians and Edomites; it was when David was in the zenith of his prosperity, and the affairs of his kingdom seem to have been in a better posture then ever they were either before or after. See 2 Samuel 8:3, 8:13, 18:3, 18:12. David, in prosperity, was as devout as David in adversity. In this psalm, I. He reflects upon the bad state of the public interests, for many years, in which God had been contending with them, Psalms 60:1-60:3. II. He takes notice of the happy turn lately given to their affairs, Psalms 60:4. III. He prays for the deliverance of God’s Israel from their enemies, Psalms 60:5. IV. He triumphs in hope of their victories over their enemies, and begs of God to carry them on and complete them, Psalms 60:6-60:12. In singing this psalm we may have an eye both to the acts of the church and to the state of our own souls, both which have their struggles. MHBCC 539.1