Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Genesis 35

In this chapter we have three communions and three funerals. I. Three communions between God and Jacob. 1. God ordered Jacob to Beth-el; and, in obedience to that order, he purged his house of idols, and prepared for that journey, Genesis 35:1-35:5. 2. Jacob built an altar at Beth-el, to the honour of God that had appeared to him, and in performance of his vow, Genesis 35:6, 35:7. 3. God appeared to him again, and confirmed the change of his name and covenant with him (Genesis 35:9-35:13), of which appearance Jacob made a grateful acknowledgment, Genesis 35:14, 35:15. II. Three funerals. 1. Deborah’s, Genesis 35:8. 2. Rachel’s, Genesis 35:16-35:20. 3. Isaac’s, Genesis 35:27-35:29. Here is also Reuben’s incest (Genesis 35:22), and an account of Jacob’s sons, Genesis 35:23-35:26. MHBCC 36.1