Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Psalms 47

The scope of this psalm is to stir us up to praise God, to stir up all people to do so; and, I. We are directed in what manner to do it, publicly, cheerfully, and intelligently, Psalms 47:1, 47:6, 47:7. II. We are furnished with matter for praise. 1. God’s majesty, Psalms 47:2. 2. His sovereign and universal dominion, Psalms 47:2, 47:7-47:9. 3. The great things he had done, and will do, for his people, Psalms 47:3-47:5. Many suppose that this psalm was penned upon occasion of the bringing up of the ark to Mount Zion which Psalms 47:5 seems to refer to (“God has gone up with a shout”);--but it looks further, to the ascension of Christ into the heavenly Zion, after he had finished his undertaking on earth, and to the setting up of his kingdom in the world, to which the heathen should become willing subjects. In singing this psalm we are to give honour to the exalted Redeemer, to rejoice in his exaltation, and to celebrate his praises, confessing that he is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. MHBCC 526.1