Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Psalms 36

It is uncertain when, and upon what occasion, David penned this psalm, probably when he was struck at either by Saul or by Absalom; for in it he complains of the malice of his enemies against him, but triumphs in the goodness of God to him. We are here led to consider, and it will do us good to consider seriously, I. The sinfulness of sin, and how mischievous it is, Psalms 36:1-36:4. II. The goodness of God, and how gracious he is, 1. To all his creatures in general, Psalms 36:5, 36:6. 2. To his own people in a special manner, Psalms 36:7-36:9. By this the psalmist is encouraged to pray for all the saints (Psalms 36:10), for himself in particular and his own preservation (Psalms 36:11), and to triumph in the certain fall of his enemies, Psalms 36:12. If, in singing this psalm, our hearts be duly affected with the hatred of sin and satisfaction in God’s lovingkindness, we sing it with grace and understanding. MHBCC 515.1