Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary


Psalms 35

David, in this psalm, appeals to the righteous Judge of heaven and earth against his enemies that hated and persecuted him. It is supposed that Saul and his party are the persons he means, for with them he had the greatest struggles. I. He complains to God of the injuries they did him; they strove with him, fought against him (Psalms 35:1), persecuted him (Psalms 35:3), sought his ruin (Psalms 35:4, 35:7), accused him falsely (Psalms 35:11), abused him basely (Psalms 35:15, 35:16), and all his friends (Psalms 35:20), and triumphed over him,, Psalms 35:21, 35:25, 35:26. II. He pleads his own innocency, that he never gave them any provocation (Psalms 35:7, 35:19), but, on the contrary, had studied to oblige them, Psalms 35:12-35:14. III. He prays to God to protect and deliver him, and appear for him (Psalms 35:1, 35:2), to comfort him (Psalms 35:3), to be nigh to him and rescue him (Psalms 35:17, 35:22), to plead his cause (Psalms 35:23, 35:24), to defeat all the designs of his enemies against him (Psalms 35:3, 35:4), to disappoint their expectations of his fall (Psalms 35:19, 35:25, 35:26), and, lastly, to countenance all his friends, and encourage them (ver. 27. IV. He prophesies the destruction of his persecutors, Psalms 35:4-35:6, 35:8. V. He promises himself that he shall yet see better days (Psalms 35:9, 35:10), and promises God that he will then attend him with his praises, Psalms 35:18, 35:28. In singing this psalm, and praying over it, we must take heed of applying it to any little peevish quarrels and enmities of our own, and of expressing by it any uncharitable revengeful resentments of injuries done to us; for Christ has taught us to forgive our enemies and not to pray against them, but to pray for them, as he did; but, 1. We may comfort ourselves with the testimony of our consciences concerning our innocency, with reference to those that are any way injurious to us, and with hopes that God will, in his own way and time, right us, and, in the mean time, support us. 2. We ought to apply it to the public enemies of Christ and his kingdom, typified by David and his kingdom, to resent the indignities done to Christ’s honour, to pray to God to plead the just and injured cause of Christianity and serious godliness, and to believe that God will, in due time, glorify his own name in the ruin of all the irreconcilable enemies of his church, that will not repent to give him glory. MHBCC 514.1