Thompson Chain Reference


Macedonia - Mildew


(a district of Greece) Acts 16:9; Acts 19:21; Romans 15:26; 2 Corinthians 7:5; 2 Corinthians 8:1;


(son of Manasseh) Genesis 50:23; Numbers 26:29; Numbers 32:39; Deuteronomy 3:15;


(a cave near Hebron) Genesis 23:19; Genesis 25:9; Genesis 50:13;


(the righteous charged with) 2 Kings 9:11; Jeremiah 29:26; Hosea 9:7; Mark 3:21; John 10:20; Acts 26:24;


DIVINATION Genesis 44:15; Numbers 22:7; Deuteronomy 18:14; 1 Samuel 6:2; Jeremiah 27:9; Ezekiel 13:23; Ezekiel 21:21; Zechariah 10:2; Acts 16:16;

MAGICIANS Genesis 41:24; Exodus 7:11; Exodus 8:19; Exodus 9:11; Daniel 2:2; Daniel 4:7;

NECROMANCY Deuteronomy 18:11; 1 Samuel 28:11; Isaiah 8:19;

SOOTHSAYERS Isaiah 2:6; Daniel 2:27; Daniel 5:7; Micah 5:12; Acts 16:16;

SORCERY Deuteronomy 18:10; 2 Kings 17:17; 2 Kings 21:6; Isaiah 47:9; Malachi 3:5; Acts 8:11; Acts 13:6; Revelation 18:23; Revelation 21:8;

WITCHCRAFT Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 19:31; Leviticus 20:6; 1 Samuel 15:23; 1 Samuel 28:7; 2 Kings 9:22; 2 Kings 23:24; 1 Chronicles 10:13; Isaiah 8:19; Isaiah 19:3; Isaiah 29:4; Micah 5:12; Galatians 5:20;

LYING WONDERS, spurious Miracles Exodus 7:11; Exodus 7:22; Exodus 8:7; Matthew 7:22; Matthew 24:24; 2 Thessalonians 2:9; Revelation 13:13; Revelation 16:14; Revelation 19:20;


Magicians Genesis 41:24; Exodus 7:11; Exodus 8:19; Exodus 9:11; Daniel 2:2; Daniel 4:7;


Wisdom and Integrity Essential to Genesis 41:33; Exodus 18:21; Deuteronomy 1:13; Deuteronomy 16:18; Proverbs 24:23; Proverbs 25:2; Proverbs 31:4;

Duties of Deuteronomy 17:16; 2 Samuel 23:3; 2 Chronicles 19:6; Psalms 2:10; Psalms 2:11; Proverbs 16:12; Proverbs 20:28; Proverbs 29:4; Proverbs 29:14;

Warnings to Deuteronomy 27:19; Nehemiah 5:7; Psalms 110:5; Isaiah 1:23; Isaiah 3:14; Isaiah 10:1; Isaiah 28:14; Ezekiel 22:27; Ezekiel 28:2; Ezekiel 45:9; Hosea 5:10; Micah 3:1; Micah 7:3;

Examples of Honour Rendered to Genesis 41:43; 1 Samuel 10:24; 2 Samuel 19:15; 1 Kings 8:66; Daniel 3:9; Acts 26:2;

Rebuked by the Prophets and Messengers of God 1 Samuel 15:23; 2 Samuel 12:7; 1 Kings 14:7; 1 Kings 16:1; 1 Kings 18:18; 1 Kings 21:20; 2 Kings 3:13; 2 Chronicles 12:5; 2 Chronicles 16:9; 2 Chronicles 26:18; Daniel 5:23; Mark 6:18; Acts 23:3;

Appointed by God


Judges of Israel



(a place east of the Jordan, where Jacob met the angels) Genesis 32:2;

Majesty of Christ

Majesty, God's

Majesty, God's 1 Chronicles 29:11; Job 37:22; Psalms 29:4; Psalms 45:3; Psalms 93:1; Psalms 96:6; Isaiah 2:10; Isaiah 57:15; Micah 5:4;


(a city of the Canaanites) Joshua 10:10; Joshua 10:28; Joshua 12:16; Joshua 15:41;



(PROPHETS; Names of Persons spoken of as)

(PROPHETS; Names of Persons spoken of as)


Condemned 1 Corinthians 5:8; 1 Corinthians 14:20; Ephesians 4:31; Colossians 3:8; 1 Peter 2:1;

Examples of Esther 3:6; Psalms 140:3; Proverbs 30:14; Isaiah 59:5; Matthew 27:33; John 12:10; Acts 7:54;


(plains of) Genesis 13:18; Genesis 14:13; Genesis 18:1;



A tenant in a house of clay Job 4:19; Job 7:17;

A worm Job 25:6;

An atom in the natural universe Psalms 8:4;

A grasshopper when compared to God Isaiah 40:22;

Yet under the watchful care of the Almighty Isaiah 41:14;

EQUALITY OF Proverbs 22:2; Matthew 23:8; Acts 10:28; Romans 10:12; Galatians 3:28; James 2:5;

MADE IN THE DIVINE IMAGE Genesis 1:26; Genesis 1:27; Genesis 5:1; Genesis 9:6; 1 Corinthians 11:7; James 3:9;

PRE-EMINENCE OF, over other creatures Genesis 1:28; Psalms 8:6; Psalms 82:6; Matthew 6:26; Matthew 12:12; Genesis 1:26; Genesis 9:2; Psalms 8:6; Hebrews 2:8; James 3:7;

A SPIRITUAL BEING Job 32:8; Proverbs 20:27; Ecclesiastes 3:21; Ecclesiastes 12:7; Acts 7:59; 1 Corinthians 2:11; 1 Corinthians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 4:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; James 2:26;

INFINITE VALUE OF, seen in the price paid for his redemption John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 6:20; 1 Peter 1:18-19; Revelation 1:5;

A Social Being

As Clay

(in the hands of God) Isaiah 29:16; Isaiah 45:9; Isaiah 64:8; Jeremiah 18:6; Romans 9:21;

As Grass

(Man compared to Withering Grass) Psalms 90:5; Psalms 90:6; Psalms 103:15; Psalms 103:16; Isaiah 37:27; Isaiah 40:6; Isaiah 40:7; Isaiah 51:12; James 1:10; 1 Peter 1:24;

Creation of Genesis 1:26; Genesis 2:7; Genesis 5:2; Deuteronomy 4:32; Job 33:4; Psalms 8:5; Psalms 100:3; Isaiah 51:13; Malachi 2:10; Acts 17:28;

Dominion of

(over the natural world) Genesis 1:26; Genesis 9:2; Psalms 8:6; Hebrews 2:8; James 3:7;

Equality of Proverbs 22:2; Matthew 23:8; Acts 10:28; Romans 10:12; Galatians 3:28; James 2:5;

Extremity of

(of weakness, becomes God's opportunity to help,)

Examples of

The Psalmist Psalms 116:6;

The Disciples in the Storm Mark 4:38; Mark 6:48;

The Sick Woman Mark 5:25; Mark 5:26;

The Father of the Demoniac Mark 9:17; Mark 9:18; John 5:7;

The Disciples Facing a Hungry Multitude John 6:9;

Peter in Prison Acts 12:6;

Paul and his Companions on the Sea Acts 27:20;

Frailty of

(general references to) 1 Samuel 20:3; Psalms 38:10; Psalms 49:12; Psalms 78:39; Psalms 103:14; Psalms 141:7; Isaiah 2:22; Isaiah 40:6; Isaiah 64:6; 1 Peter 1:24;

Glory of

(transient) Psalms 49:17; Isaiah 5:14; Isaiah 21:16; Ezekiel 24:25; Hosea 4:7; Hosea 9:11; Zechariah 11:3; 1 Peter 1:24;

Ignorance of

(general references to)

Brevity of Life Limits Knowledge Job 8:9; Psalms 73:22;

The Future Hidden Ecclesiastes 8:7;

Coming Evils Unforeseen Ecclesiastes 9:12;

Life Mysterious Ecclesiastes 11:5;

Nature And Grace Full of Mysteries John 3:8;

Immortality of

(General References to) Luke 20:36; John 6:50; John 8:51; John 11:26; Romans 2:7; 1 Corinthians 15:53; 2 Corinthians 5:1; 1 Thessalonians 4:17; 2 Timothy 1:10;

Infinite Value of

(seen in the price paid for his redemption) John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 6:20; 1 Peter 1:18-19; Revelation 1:5;

Insignificance of

A tenant in a house of clay Job 4:19; Job 7:17;

A worm Job 25:6;

An atom in the natural universe Psalms 8:4;

A grasshopper when compared to God Isaiah 40:22;

Yet under the watchful care of the Almighty Isaiah 41:14;

Jealousy of

(Examples of Human)

Joseph's Brethren Genesis 37:4;

The Men of Ephraim Judges 8:1;

King Saul 1 Samuel 18:8; 2 Samuel 19:41; Proverbs 6:34;

The Labourers in the Vineyard Matthew 20:12;

The Elder Brother Luke 15:28;

Limitations of

(Man Subject to)

Way hedged up Job 3:23;

Feet in the stocks Job 13:27; Job 19:8;

Time limited Psalms 90:10; Ecclesiastes 8:8;

Boundaries of life Psalms 139:5; Lamentations 3:7;

No power to change a hair Matthew 5:36;

No power to add a stature Matthew 6:27;

Knowledge Limited

Strength Limited

Made in the Image of God Genesis 1:26; Genesis 1:27; Genesis 5:1; Genesis 9:6; 1 Corinthians 11:7; James 3:9;

Man of God

(Prophets and other Spiritual Men so called) Deuteronomy 33:1; Judges 13:6; 1 Samuel 2:27; 1 Kings 12:22; 1 Kings 17:18; 1 Kings 20:28; 2 Kings 1:9; 2 Kings 4:7; 2 Kings 5:14; 2 Kings 6:10; 2 Kings 7:2; 2 Chronicles 8:14; Jeremiah 35:4; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 3:17;

Man of Sorrows

(Christ) Isaiah 53:3; Mark 7:34; Mark 8:12; Luke 19:41; John 11:33; John 11:35; John 12:27; John 13:21;

Mortality of

Universality of 2 Samuel 14:14; Job 30:23; Psalms 49:10; Psalms 89:48; Ecclesiastes 3:19; Ecclesiastes 8:8; Romans 5:12; Hebrews 9:27;

Compared to as Sleep Deuteronomy 31:16; Job 7:21; Daniel 12:2; Mark 5:39; John 11:11; Acts 13:36; 1 Corinthians 15:6; 1 Thessalonians 4:13;


Of the Righteous

Greatly Desired Numbers 23:10;

Fearless Psalms 23:4;

Precious Psalms 116:15;

Hopeful Proverbs 14:32;

Triumphant Luke 16:22;

Divine Element in Romans 14:8;

Great Gain Philippians 1:21;

Faith Illuminates Hebrews 11:13;

Blessing Pronounced upon Revelation 14:13;

Sought as a Relief from Trouble

Death Spiritual

Of the Wicked Psalms 37:36; Proverbs 5:23; Ecclesiastes 8:10; Isaiah 17:14; Jeremiah 16:4; Ezekiel 18:23; Luke 12:20;

Of Christ

Preparation for 2 Kings 20:1; Ecclesiastes 9:10; Ecclesiastes 11:8; Matthew 24:44; Luke 12:35; John 9:4; 1 Peter 1:17;

Natural, the

(general references to man's carnal nature) Romans 7:18; Romans 7:25; Romans 8:8; Romans 8:13; Galatians 5:17; Galatians 6:8; 1 John 2:16;


The Believer as a Psalms 40:3; Ezekiel 11:19; Romans 6:4; Romans 7:6; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 6:15; Ephesians 2:15; Ephesians 4:24; Colossians 3:10;

Preeminence of

(over other creatures) Genesis 1:28; Psalms 8:6; Psalms 82:6; Matthew 6:26; Matthew 12:12;

Redemption of

God the Author of Psalms 31:5; Psalms 119:9; Psalms 130:7; Isaiah 43:1; Luke 1:68; Luke 2:38; Ephesians 4:30;

Through Christ Romans 3:24; 1 Corinthians 1:30; Galatians 3:13; Colossians 1:14; Titus 2:14; Hebrews 9:12; 1 Peter 1:18; Revelation 5:9;

Sinfulness of

(Universality of) Genesis 6:5; 1 Kings 8:46; Psalms 14:3; Psalms 53:3; Psalms 130:3; Proverbs 20:9; Ecclesiastes 7:20; Isaiah 53:6; Isaiah 64:6; Micah 7:2; Romans 3:23; Galatians 3:22; 1 John 1:8; 1 John 5:19;

Spirit of

(A spiritual being) Job 32:8; Proverbs 20:27; Ecclesiastes 3:21; Ecclesiastes 12:7; Acts 7:59; 1 Corinthians 2:11; 1 Corinthians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 4:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; James 2:26;

Trust in

(warnings concerning) Psalms 118:9; Psalms 146:3; Isaiah 2:22; Isaiah 30:2; Isaiah 31:1; Isaiah 31:3; Isaiah 36:6; Jeremiah 17:5; Hosea 5:13;

Weakness of

(Manifested in All Men) Numbers 11:14; Matthew 26:40; John 16:12; 1 Corinthians 3:2;

Wrath of

(examples of) Genesis 4:5; 1 Samuel 18:8; 2 Kings 5:12; 2 Chronicles 16:10; Esther 3:5; Amos 1:11; Luke 4:28; Luke 6:11; Acts 19:28; James 1:20;

Of Kings



(Men Deified and Worshipped) Acts 12:22; Acts 14:11; Acts 28:6;


(over the natural world) Genesis 1:26; Genesis 9:2; Psalms 8:6; Hebrews 2:8; James 3:7;

Equality Proverbs 22:2; Matthew 23:8; Acts 10:28; Romans 10:12; Galatians 3:28; James 2:5;


(of weakness, becomes God's opportunity to help,)

examples of

The Psalmist Psalms 116:6;

The Disciples in the Storm Mark 4:38; Mark 6:48;

The Sick Woman Mark 5:25; Mark 5:26;

The Father of the Demoniac Mark 9:17; Mark 9:18; John 5:7;

The Disciples Facing a Hungry Multitude John 6:9;

Peter in Prison Acts 12:6;

Paul and his Companions on the Sea Acts 27:20;


(general references to)

Brevity of Life Limits Knowledge Job 8:9; Psalms 73:22;

The Future Hidden Ecclesiastes 8:7;

Coming Evils Unforeseen Ecclesiastes 9:12;

Life Mysterious Ecclesiastes 11:5;

Nature And Grace Full of Mysteries John 3:8;


General References to Luke 20:36; John 6:50; John 8:51; John 11:26; Romans 2:7; 1 Corinthians 15:53; 2 Corinthians 5:1; 1 Thessalonians 4:17; 2 Timothy 1:10;

Of the Soul Ecclesiastes 12:7; Matthew 10:28; Luke 12:20; 1 Corinthians 15:54; Revelation 20:4;


(Examples of Human)

Joseph's Brethren Genesis 37:4;

The Men of Ephraim Judges 8:1;

King Saul 1 Samuel 18:8; 2 Samuel 19:41; Proverbs 6:34;

The Labourers in the Vineyard Matthew 20:12;

The Elder Brother Luke 15:28;


(examples of) Genesis 4:5; 1 Samuel 18:8; 2 Kings 5:12; 2 Chronicles 16:10; Esther 3:5; Amos 1:11; Luke 4:28; Luke 6:11; Acts 19:28; James 1:20;

Of Kings



Son of Joseph Genesis 41:51; Genesis 48:5; Genesis 48:14; Joshua 16:4; Joshua 17:5; 1 Chronicles 9:3; 1 Chronicles 12:19;

King of Judah, son of Hezekiah 2 Kings 21:1; 2 Kings 21:9; 2 Kings 21:16; 2 Kings 24:3; 2 Chronicles 33:11; 2 Chronicles 33:20;


Maneh Ezekiel 45:12;


Manger Luke 2:7;

Manifestations, Special Divine

Pillar of Cloud and Fire Exodus 13:21; Exodus 14:19; Exodus 16:10; Exodus 33:9; Exodus 40:36; Numbers 9:17; Numbers 10:11; Numbers 12:5; Numbers 16:42; Deuteronomy 1:33; Deuteronomy 31:15; Nehemiah 9:12; Psalms 78:14; Psalms 105:39; Isaiah 4:5;

The Shekinah, the supernatural light or cloud, which appeared on the mercy-seat Exodus 40:35; Leviticus 16:2; 2 Samuel 6:2; 1 Kings 8:10; 2 Chronicles 5:13; Psalms 80:1; Isaiah 37:16; Ezekiel 9:3;

Signs given to Confirm Faith Judges 6:38; 1 Kings 13:2; 2 Kings 20:9; 2 Chronicles 32:24; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 55:13; Luke 2:12;

The Holy Spirit in the form of a Dove Matthew 3:16; John 1:32;

Tongues of Fire Acts 2:3;

Answers by Fire

Angelic Appearances

Divine Appearances


Manliness 2 Samuel 10:12; 1 Kings 1:52; 1 Kings 2:2; Job 38:3; Job 40:7; Isaiah 46:8; Jeremiah 5:1; Ezekiel 22:30;


(the food of the Israelites in the wilderness) Exodus 16:4; Exodus 16:15; Exodus 16:33; Numbers 11:6; Joshua 5:12; Nehemiah 9:20; John 6:31; 1 Corinthians 10:3; Revelation 2:17;



Mantles 1 Kings 19:13; 2 Kings 2:8; 2 Kings 2:13; Ezra 9:3; Job 1:20;

Manual Labour

(Of women) Exodus 35:25; Ruth 2:7; 1 Samuel 8:13; Proverbs 31:13; Proverbs 31:24;

Many Evil Spirits

Many Evil Spirits Mark 16:9; Luke 8:30; Luke 11:26; Ephesians 6:12;

Many Saved

A Great Host Nehemiah 9:6; Daniel 7:10; Hebrews 12:22; Revelation 5:11; Revelation 7:9; Revelation 14:1; Revelation 19:6;

REDEEMED, THE Isaiah 35:9; Isaiah 51:11; Matthew 8:11; Revelation 5:9; Revelation 7:9; Revelation 14:4; Revelation 19:6;


((bitter)) Exodus 15:23;


MARBLE 1 Chronicles 29:2; Esther 1:6; Revelation 18:12;


(a city of Judah) Joshua 15:44; 2 Chronicles 11:8; 2 Chronicles 14:9; 2 Chronicles 20:37;


Mariners 1 Kings 9:27; 1 Kings 22:49; Psalms 107:23; Isaiah 42:10; Ezekiel 27:29;

Jnh 1:5

Mark, John

((Marcus) son of Mary, "The Young Man who Recovered himself") Acts 12:12; Acts 12:25; Acts 13:5; Acts 13:13; Acts 15:37; Colossians 4:10; 2 Timothy 4:11; Philippians 1:24; 1 Peter 5:13;

Facts Concerning

Had Godly Mother Acts 12:12;

Related to Barnabas Colossians 4:10;

Helper of Paul and Barnabas Acts 12:25;

Early years apparently vacillating Acts 13:13; Acts 15:38;

Later years became a faithful co-worker with Paul Colossians 4:10; 2 Timothy 4:11;

Companion of Peter 1 Peter 5:13;


Marketplaces Matthew 20:3; Matthew 23:7; Mark 7:4; Luke 7:32; Acts 16:19; Acts 17:17;


Of Childhood

Dependence Numbers 11:12;

Credulity Proverbs 14:15;

Foolishness Proverbs 22:15;

Love of Amusement Zechariah 8:5;

Petty Complaints Matthew 11:17;

Need of Rulers Galatians 4:2;

Fickleness Ephesians 4:14;

Ignorance Hebrews 5:12;

Weak Digestion Hebrews 5:13;

Of Sin


Commended Proverbs 18:22; Jeremiah 29:6; 1 Timothy 3:12; 1 Timothy 5:14; Hebrews 13:4;

Solemn Obligations of Genesis 2:24; Matthew 5:32; Mark 10:7; Mark 10:9; Romans 7:2; 1 Corinthians 7:10; 1 Corinthians 7:11;

With the Heathen Forbidden Genesis 24:3; Genesis 28:1; Deuteronomy 7:3; Joshua 23:12; Ezra 9:12; Nehemiah 13:25;

Figurative of God's Union with the Church Isaiah 54:5; Isaiah 62:5; Jeremiah 3:14; Hosea 2:19; Matthew 22:2; Matthew 25:10; Revelation 19:7;

Of Kinsman's Widow Deuteronomy 25:5; Ruth 3:9; Ruth 4:10; Matthew 22:24;

Sacred Genesis 2:24; Matthew 5:32; Mark 10:7; Mark 10:9; Romans 7:2; 1 Corinthians 7:10; 1 Corinthians 7:11;

For other references to Marriage


(of Bethany, sister of Lazarus and Mary) Luke 10:40; John 11:1; John 11:20; John 11:39; John 12:2;

"The Worried Housekeeper" Characteristics of

Hospitality Luke 10:38;

Energy Luke 10:40; John 11:20;

Anxious care Luke 10:40;

Spiritual Knowledge John 11:24;

Faith John 11:27;


(General References to) Matthew 10:21; Acts 21:13; 1 Corinthians 13:3; Revelation 6:9; Revelation 20:4;


(Examples of)

Zechariah 2 Chronicles 24:21;

John the Baptist Mark 6:27;

Abel Luke 11:51;

Stephen Acts 7:58;

James Acts 12:2; Hebrews 11:37; Revelation 6:9;


Mother of Jesus,

General References to Matthew 1:16; Luke 1:27; Luke 1:38; Luke 1:46; Luke 1:56; Luke 2:5; Luke 2:16; Luke 2:19; Luke 2:34; Matthew 2:11; Luke 2:43; Luke 2:48; Matthew 12:46; Matthew 13:55; John 2:1; John 2:5; John 2:12; John 19:25;

Characteristics of

Submission Luke 1:38;

Faith and piety Luke 1:46-55;

Spiritual mindedness Luke 2:51;

Maternal confidence John 2:3-5;

Maternal love John 19:25;

Magdalene Matthew 27:56; Matthew 28:1; Mark 15:47; Mark 16:9; Luke 8:2; John 20:18;

Life Summarized

Recipient of a great salvation Luke 8:2;

Showed her gratitude

By ministering to Christ Mark 15:40-41;

By her presence at the cross John 19:25;

By her presence at the sepulchre Matthew 27:61; Matthew 28:1;

Was the first person to whom Christ appeared after his resurrection Mark 16:9;

Given a wonderful revelation John 20:11-18;

Of Bethany Luke 10:39; John 11:1; John 11:20; John 11:32; John 12:3;

"The Women Immortalized by Christ" Characteristics of

Spiritual Receptivity Luke 10:39;

Spiritual Insight Luke 10:42;

Quiet Resignation John 11:20;

Three times at Christ's feet

for Instruction Luke 10:39;

for Comfort John 11:32;

for Service John 12:3;

Mother of James Mark 15:40; Mark 15:47; Mark 16:1; Luke 24:10;

Mother of Mark Acts 12:12; Colossians 4:10;

A Roman disciple Romans 16:6;


Masons 2 Kings 12:12; 2 Kings 22:6; 1 Chronicles 14:1; Ezra 3:7;

Master's Duty

Prompt Payment of Wages Leviticus 19:13; Deuteronomy 24:15;

Consideration for Employees Job 31:13; Job 31:14;

Refraining from Threats Ephesians 6:9;

Just Dealing Colossians 4:1;

Master, Christ

Master, Christ Luke 5:5; Luke 8:24; Luke 8:45; Luke 9:33; Luke 9:49; Luke 17:13;

Masters (Employers)

Duties of

Prompt Payment of Wages Leviticus 19:13; Deuteronomy 24:15;

Consideration for Employees Job 31:13; Job 31:14;

Refraining from Threats Ephesians 6:9;

Just Dealing Colossians 4:1;

Sins of, Respecting Payment of Wages

Delaying Payment Leviticus 19:13; Deuteronomy 24:15;

Exacting Service with Wages Jeremiah 22:13;

Failing to Pay a Living Wage Malachi 3:5; Luke 3:14;

Fraudulent Withholding of Wages James 5:4;


(Examples of) Genesis 18:19; Genesis 35:2; Joshua 24:15; 2 Samuel 6:20; Luke 7:2; Acts 10:2;


(Examples of) Genesis 16:6; Genesis 31:7; Genesis 39:20; Exodus 1:13; 1 Samuel 30:13;


(instances of) Matthew 22:23; Acts 17:18; Acts 17:32; Acts 23:8; 1 Corinthians 15:12;

Maternal Love

(Examples of)

Hagar's Love for her Child Genesis 21:16;

The Mother of Moses Exodus 2:3;

The Mother of Samuel 1 Samuel 2:19;

Rizpah's Love for her Sons 2 Samuel 21:9; 2 Samuel 21:10;

The Mother of Solomon's Time 1 Kings 3:26;

The Shunammite Mother 2 Kings 4:20;

The Mother's Unforgettable Love Isaiah 49:15;

The Canaanitish Mother Matthew 15:22;

The Mother of Jesus John 19:25;


(Or Zedekiah, King of Judah, son of Josiah) 2 Kings 24:17; 2 Kings 25:2; 2 Chronicles 36:11; Jeremiah 32:3; Jeremiah 37:1;


(or Levi, a publican who became an apostle of Christ) Matthew 9:9; Matthew 10:3; Luke 5:29; Acts 1:13;


(the apostle chosen in place of Judas Iscariot) Acts 1:26;

Maturity, Spiritual

(how Secured)

By Putting away Childish Things 1 Corinthians 13:11;

By Cultivating the Understanding 1 Corinthians 14:20;

By Striving after the Christ Ideal Ephesians 4:13; Ephesians 4:15;

By Partaking of the Deeper Truths of the Gospel Hebrews 5:14;

By Overcoming Temptation 1 John 2:14;


(Meal, or Meat) Leviticus 2:1; Leviticus 6:14; Leviticus 9:17; Leviticus 10:12; Leviticus 23:18;

Meaning of the Risen Life

A new inward power Romans 8:11;

Christlikeness 2 Corinthians 4:10;

Devotion to a new Master 2 Corinthians 5:15;

Heavenly ambition Colossians 3:1;

Heavenly affections Colossians 3:2;

Exaltation to heavenly places Ephesians 2:5; Ephesians 2:6;



LENGTH (Shorter Measure of Length)

1 finger = 0.75 in

1 palm = 3 in

3 palms = 1 span = 9 in

2 spans = 1 cubit = 18 in

1 pace = 3 ft = 1/3 rod, 2 cubits

4 cubits = 1 fathom = 6 ft

1.5 fathoms = 1 reed = 9 ft

13.3 reeds = 1 line = 119.7 ft

1 stadion, mile = 600 ft = 1/8 Roman mile

In consulting these tables it must be remembered that authorities differ as to exact figures


A cubit = 1.824 ft

2000 cubits = 0.5 miles = 1 Sabbath day's journey

24 miles = 1 day's journey

In consulting these tables it must be remembered that authorities differ as to exact figures


1 log = 1/72 bath = 1/3 qt

4 logs = 1 cab = 1 1/3 qt

3 cabs = 1 hin = 4 qts

2 hins = 1 seah = 2 gals

3 seahs = 1 bath, or ephah = 6 gals

In consulting these tables it must be remembered that authorities differ as to exact figures


cab = 1/18 ephah = 1 qts

1/10 ephah = 1 omer = 2 qts

3.3 omers = 1 seah = 7 qts

3 seahs = 1 ephah = 21 qts

5 ephahs = 1 letech = 3 bushels

2 letechs = 1 kor, or homer = 6 bushels

In consulting these tables it must be remembered that authorities differ as to exact figures


Honesty, enjoined Leviticus 19:35; Leviticus 19:36; Deuteronomy 25:15; Proverbs 11:1; Romans 12:17; Romans 13:8; 2 Corinthians 8:21; Philippians 4:8;

Giving of Just Weights Leviticus 19:36; Deuteronomy 25:13; Proverbs 11:1; Proverbs 16:11; Proverbs 20:10; Ezekiel 45:10; Micah 6:11;

Measuring Rod

(or line) Jeremiah 31:39; Ezekiel 40:3; Ezekiel 42:16; Zechariah 2:1;


(Meal, or Meat) Leviticus 2:1; Leviticus 6:14; Leviticus 9:17; Leviticus 10:12; Leviticus 23:18;



Media 2 Kings 17:6; 2 Kings 18:11;


Christ as



Christ as 1 Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 8:6; Hebrews 9:15; Hebrews 9:24; Hebrews 12:24; 1 John 2:1;

Man as Exodus 20:19; Numbers 16:48; Deuteronomy 5:5; Deuteronomy 5:27; Deuteronomy 9:18;


Medicine Proverbs 17:22; Jeremiah 8:22; Jeremiah 30:13; Jeremiah 46:11; Ezekiel 47:12;


The Call to Joshua 1:8; Psalms 4:4; Psalms 19:14; 1 Timothy 4:15;

The Righteous Delight in Genesis 24:63; Psalms 1:2; Psalms 39:3; Psalms 63:6; Psalms 77:12; Psalms 104:34; Psalms 119:15; Psalms 119:99; Psalms 119:148; Psalms 143:5;

Mediterranean Sea

(Or Great Sea) Numbers 34:6; Joshua 1:4; Joshua 9:1; Joshua 15:12; Joshua 23:4; Ezekiel 47:10; Ezekiel 48:28;


General References to

To be Sought Zephaniah 2:3;

Non-resistance a Mark of Luke 6:29;

A Fruit of the "Spirit" Galatians 5:22-23; Galatians 6:1; Ephesians 4:2;

Essential in Teaching 2 Timothy 2:25; Titus 3:2;

Essential in Hearing James 1:21; James 3:13;

Precious in God's Sight 1 Peter 3:4;

Promises Concerning Psalms 22:26; Psalms 37:11; Psalms 147:6; Psalms 149:4; Isaiah 11:4; Isaiah 29:19; Matthew 5:5;

Examples of

Moses Numbers 12:3;

David 2 Samuel 16:11;

Jeremiah Jeremiah 26:14;

Stephen Acts 7:60;

Paul 2 Timothy 4:16;

Christ's Isaiah 53:7; Matthew 11:29; Matthew 21:5; Matthew 26:52; 2 Corinthians 10:1; 1 Peter 2:23;



General References to

To be Sought Zephaniah 2:3;

Non-resistance a Mark of Luke 6:29;

A Fruit of the "Spirit" Galatians 5:22-23; Galatians 6:1; Ephesians 4:2;

Essential in Teaching 2 Timothy 2:25; Titus 3:2;

Essential in Hearing James 1:21; James 3:13;

Precious in God's Sight 1 Peter 3:4;

Promises to the Meek Psalms 22:26; Psalms 37:11; Psalms 147:6; Psalms 149:4; Isaiah 11:4; Isaiah 29:19; Matthew 5:5;

Examples of

Moses Numbers 12:3;

David 2 Samuel 16:11;

Jeremiah Jeremiah 26:14;

Stephen Acts 7:60;

Paul 2 Timothy 4:16;

MEEKNESS, CHRIST'S Isaiah 53:7; Matthew 11:29; Matthew 21:5; Matthew 26:52; 2 Corinthians 10:1; 1 Peter 2:23;


Divine Genesis 18:32; Nehemiah 9:30;

Jnh 4:11 Acts 17:30; Romans 2:4; Romans 3:25; Romans 10:21;

Enjoined 1 Corinthians 13:7; Ephesians 4:2; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 3:13;

GENTLENESS, General References to 1 Thessalonians 2:7; 1 Timothy 3:3; 2 Timothy 2:24; Titus 3:2; James 3:17;


Of God Numbers 14:18; Isaiah 48:9; Ezekiel 20:17; Romans 9:22; 1 Peter 3:20; 2 Peter 3:9;

Enjoined 1 Corinthians 13:4; 2 Corinthians 6:6; Galatians 5:22; Colossians 1:11; 2 Timothy 4:2;


Forbidden Leviticus 19:18; Proverbs 20:22; Proverbs 24:29; Matthew 5:39; Romans 12:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:15; 1 Peter 3:9;

Examples of Judges 8:7; Judges 15:7; 2 Samuel 3:27; 1 Kings 2:9; Esther 9:5; Luke 9:54;

REVENGE, the Spirit of, Manifested

Jezebel, toward Elijah 1 Kings 19:2;

Ahab, toward Micaiah 1 Kings 22:27;

Haman, toward the Jews Esther 3:6;

Philistines, toward Israel Ezekiel 25:15;

Herodias, toward John the Baptist Matthew 14:8;

Nazarenes, toward Christ Luke 4:29;

Sanhedrin, toward the Apostles Acts 5:33;

Jews, toward Paul Acts 23:12;

VINDICTIVENESS, examples of 2 Kings 6:21; 2 Chronicles 16:10; 2 Chronicles 18:26; Esther 3:6; Psalms 137:9; Mark 6:19; Luke 9:54; John 18:10; Acts 23:12;


(a town and valley) Joshua 17:11; Judges 1:27; Judges 5:19; Zechariah 12:11;


(king of Salem) Genesis 14:18; Psalms 110:4; Hebrews 5:6; Hebrews 6:20; Hebrews 7:1;



The Passover Exodus 12:14;

The Laying up of the manna Exodus 16:32;

The stones of the ephod Exodus 28:12;

The fringes on the garments Numbers 15:39;

The brazen censers Numbers 16:40;

The twelve stones from Jordan Joshua 4:7;

Joshua's stone of memorial Joshua 24:27; Matthew 26:13;

The Lord's Supper Luke 22:19; Acts 10:4;

Memories, Painful

Memories, Painful Genesis 41:9; Deuteronomy 9:7; Psalms 51:3; Psalms 137:1; Mark 14:72; Luke 16:25; 1 Corinthians 15:9;


Aids to


Memory of the Just

Memory of the Just Psalms 112:6; Proverbs 10:7; Matthew 26:13; 2 Timothy 1:5;

Memory Spiritual

Calls to Mind:

Past Mercies Deuteronomy 32:7;

The wonderful works of God Psalms 77:11;

The Lord as a deliverer

Jnh 2:7

The words of Christ concerning benevolence Acts 20:35;

The Death of Christ 1 Corinthians 11:25; 1 Corinthians 11:26;

All the teachings of the gospel 2 Peter 3:2;

Brings Joy in the Night Season Psalms 63:5; Psalms 63:6;

Is quickened by the Holy Spirit John 14:26;


MEMORY OF THE JUST Psalms 112:6; Proverbs 10:7; Matthew 26:13; 2 Timothy 1:5;


Prayer for Nehemiah 13:14; Psalms 25:7; Psalms 106:4; Jeremiah 15:15; Luke 23:42;

General References to Genesis 8:1; Genesis 19:29; Numbers 10:9; Psalms 98:3; Psalms 136:23; Isaiah 49:14-16;


The Wicked Doomed to Deuteronomy 32:26; Job 18:17; Psalms 34:16; Psalms 109:15; Ecclesiastes 6:4; Ecclesiastes 8:10;

The Name of the Wicked to be Blotted out Deuteronomy 9:14; Deuteronomy 29:20; Psalms 9:5; Psalms 109:13; Proverbs 10:7; Isaiah 14:22;



((Noph), a city of Egypt) Isaiah 19:13; Jeremiah 2:16; Jeremiah 44:1; Jeremiah 46:14; Ezekiel 30:13; Hosea 9:6;


Great Job 32:9; Proverbs 18:16; Proverbs 25:6; Ecclesiastes 2:9;

Traffic in Genesis 37:28; Genesis 39:1; Joel 3:3; Amos 2:6; Amos 8:6; Zechariah 11:12; Matthew 26:15; Revelation 18:13;


Evil Men put to Silence Job 5:16; Psalms 63:11; Psalms 107:42; Ezekiel 16:63; Matthew 22:34; Acts 4:14; Titus 2:8; 1 Peter 2:15;

Men of God

Prophets and other Spiritual Men so called Deuteronomy 33:1; Judges 13:6; 1 Samuel 2:27; 1 Kings 12:22; 1 Kings 17:18; 1 Kings 20:28; 2 Kings 1:9; 2 Kings 4:7; 2 Kings 5:14; 2 Kings 6:10; 2 Kings 7:2; 2 Chronicles 8:14; Jeremiah 35:4; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 3:17;

Men raised up as Deliverers of Israel Judges 2:16; Judges 3:9; Judges 3:31; Judges 9:17; Judges 13:5; 1 Samuel 9:16; Nehemiah 9:27;


Chosen Instruments to accomplish God's purposes Haggai 2:23; John 15:16; Acts 9:15; 1 Corinthians 1:27; 1 Corinthians 1:28; 1 Corinthians 1:29;

Sent as Divine Messengers Numbers 16:28; Isaiah 48:16; Jeremiah 25:4; Zechariah 2:8; Zechariah 4:9; Matthew 22:3; Luke 1:19; John 1:6;

Men's Plans

(examples of)

The Men after the Flood Genesis 11:4;

The Natural Man Proverbs 19:21;

The Luxurious King Jeremiah 22:13; Jeremiah 22:14;

The Rich Fool Luke 12:18;

The Venturesome Business Man James 4:13;


Men-Pleasers John 12:43; Acts 12:1-3; Acts 24:27; Acts 25:9; Ephesians 6:6; Colossians 3:22;


(king of Israel) 2 Kings 15:14; 2 Kings 15:17; 2 Kings 15:21;


(son of Jonathan)

General References to 2 Samuel 4:4; 2 Samuel 9:6; 2 Samuel 16:4;

A Type of the Redeemed Sinner

Belonged to a royal line, but made a cripple by a fall 2 Samuel 4:4;

Living in exile from the King, remembered because of a covenant 2 Samuel 9:3; 2 Samuel 9:4; 1 Samuel 20:14; 1 Samuel 20:15;

Called into the King's presence and exalted because of the merits of another 2 Samuel 9:5; 2 Samuel 9:7;

Given a glorious inheritance 2 Samuel 9:9;

During the King's absence lived a life of self-denial 2 Samuel 19:24;

Subject to persecution and slander 2 Samuel 16:3; 2 Samuel 19:27;

Rejoiced at the return of his Lord - cared little for material things 2 Samuel 19:30;


(son of Zerahiah) 1 Chronicles 6:6; Ezra 7:3;


(son of Levi) Genesis 46:11; Exodus 6:16; Numbers 3:17; Numbers 3:35; 1 Chronicles 6:1; 1 Chronicles 6:19;


(descendants of Merari) Numbers 3:36; Numbers 4:29; Numbers 4:42; Numbers 7:8;


Mercenaries 2 Samuel 10:6; 1 Chronicles 19:7; 2 Chronicles 16:3; 2 Chronicles 25:6;


Merchandise Nehemiah 10:31; Nehemiah 13:16; Ezekiel 27:16; John 2:16; Revelation 18:12;


Merchants Genesis 37:25; 1 Kings 10:15; Nehemiah 13:20; Isaiah 23:8; Revelation 18:11;

Various Avocations, Trades, &c

Merciful, Promises To

Merciful, Promises To Psalms 41:3; Psalms 112:9; Proverbs 11:17; Proverbs 14:31; Isaiah 58:10; Daniel 4:27; Matthew 5:7; Matthew 6:14; Matthew 25:40; Luke 6:38;


(Examples of)

Of Saul 1 Samuel 11:13;

Of David 1 Samuel 26:9; 2 Samuel 19:22;

Solomon 1 Kings 1:52;

Of Elisha 2 Kings 6:22;

Of Christ Luke 9:55; John 8:7;


MERCIFULNESS, examples of

Of Saul 1 Samuel 11:13;

Of David 1 Samuel 26:9; 2 Samuel 19:22;

Solomon 1 Kings 1:52;

Of Elisha 2 Kings 6:22;

Of Christ Luke 9:55; John 8:7;


General References to Divine Deuteronomy 4:31; 2 Samuel 24:14; Psalms 86:5;

Eternal Psalms 103:17; Psalms 106:1;

Boundless Psalms 108:4; Psalms 119:64;

Prolongs Life Lamentations 3:22-23;

Encourages to Penitence Joel 2:13;

Forgives Sin Micah 7:18; Luke 1:50; Ephesians 2:4;

Makes Salvation Possible Titus 3:5;

Man Commanded to Exercise Proverbs 3:3; Proverbs 11:17; Hosea 12:6; Micah 6:8; Matthew 5:7; Luke 6:36; James 2:13;

Promises of Divine Exodus 34:7; 2 Samuel 22:26; 2 Chronicles 30:9; Psalms 89:28; Psalms 103:8; Isaiah 54:7; Isaiah 55:7; Jeremiah 3:12;

Examples of Divine Genesis 18:26; Genesis 19:16; Ezra 9:13; Nehemiah 9:17; Nehemiah 9:31; Psalms 103:11;

Supplications for Deuteronomy 21:8; 1 Kings 8:30; Psalms 6:2; Psalms 27:7; Psalms 51:1; Psalms 85:7; Psalms 119:77; Psalms 123:3; Daniel 9:16; Habakkuk 3:2; Luke 18:13;


In forgiving injuries Matthew 6:15;

In business dealing Matthew 18:28; Matthew 18:35;

In spirit Romans 1:31;

In exercising judgment James 2:13;


General References to Divine Deuteronomy 4:31; 2 Samuel 24:14; Psalms 86:5;

Eternal Psalms 103:17; Psalms 106:1;

Boundless Psalms 108:4; Psalms 119:64;

Prolongs Life Lamentations 3:22-23;

Encourages to Penitence Joel 2:13;

Forgives Sin Micah 7:18; Luke 1:50; Ephesians 2:4;

Makes Salvation Possible Titus 3:5;

Man Commanded to Exercise Proverbs 3:3; Proverbs 11:17; Hosea 12:6; Micah 6:8; Matthew 5:7; Luke 6:36; James 2:13;

Promises of Divine Exodus 34:7; 2 Samuel 22:26; 2 Chronicles 30:9; Psalms 89:28; Psalms 103:8; Isaiah 54:7; Isaiah 55:7; Jeremiah 3:12;

God's Judges 5:4; Job 26:8; Job 37:16; Psalms 77:17; Ecclesiastes 11:3; Ecclesiastes 11:4; Ecclesiastes 12:2; 2 Peter 2:17;

Sought Deuteronomy 21:8; 1 Kings 8:30; Psalms 6:2; Psalms 27:7; Psalms 51:1; Psalms 85:7; Psalms 119:77; Psalms 123:3; Daniel 9:16; Habakkuk 3:2; Luke 18:13;

Neglect of Psalms 109:16; Proverbs 21:13; Ezekiel 34:4; Zechariah 11:16; Matthew 25:43; Luke 16:20; Luke 16:21; James 4:17;


Mercy-Seat Exodus 25:17; Exodus 25:22; Exodus 26:34; Exodus 30:6; Leviticus 16:2; Numbers 7:89;


(a place north of Palestine) Judges 5:23;


(Innocent Mirth) Nehemiah 8:12; Proverbs 17:22; Ecclesiastes 9:7; Jeremiah 30:19; Luke 15:24;


(one of the Hebrew captives) Daniel 1:7; Daniel 2:49; Daniel 3:12; Daniel 3:23; Daniel 3:30;


((between the rivers) a country between the Tigrisand Euphrates rivers) Genesis 24:10; Deuteronomy 23:4; 1 Chronicles 19:6; Acts 2:9;

Message Despised

Of the Word of God Psalms 50:17; Isaiah 5:24; Isaiah 30:12; Jeremiah 6:10; Jeremiah 8:9; Jeremiah 20:8; Jeremiah 36:23; Zechariah 7:12; Mark 7:13;

Message, Simple

Message, Simple Isaiah 28:10; John 21:15; 1 Corinthians 2:1; 1 Corinthians 3:2;

Messenger, Divine

Christ Matthew 21:37; John 6:38; John 7:29; John 8:42; John 9:4; John 10:36; John 17:8; John 17:21;

John the Baptist as

Called the "Forerunner" of Christ Malachi 3:1; Matthew 11:10; Luke 1:17; Luke 1:76;

Baptism by

Messengers, God's

Messengers, God's Numbers 16:28; Isaiah 48:16; Jeremiah 25:4; Zechariah 2:8; Zechariah 4:9; Matthew 22:3; Luke 1:19; John 1:6;

Messiah, Jesus The

Messiah, Jesus The Matthew 11:3; Matthew 16:16; Matthew 26:63; Luke 2:11; Luke 2:26; Luke 4:41; Luke 24:26; John 1:41; John 4:26; John 6:14; John 6:69; John 7:41; John 8:28; John 11:27; Acts 9:22; Acts 17:3; 1 John 5:1;

Messianic Hope

(Examples of) Mark 15:43;

Simeon Luke 2:26;

Anna Luke 2:38;

The Jewish People Luke 3:15;

John the Baptist John 1:31;

The Woman of Samaria John 4:25;

Abraham John 8:56;

The Twelve Tribes Acts 26:7;

Messianic Prophecies

Messianic Prophecies Genesis 3:15; Genesis 12:3; Genesis 49:10; Deuteronomy 18:15; Psalms 2:2; Psalms 45:2; Psalms 68:18; Psalms 69:21; Psalms 110:1; Psalms 118:22; Psalms 132:11; Isaiah 2:4; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:2; Isaiah 9:7; Isaiah 11:10; Isaiah 25:8; Isaiah 28:16; Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 49:6; Isaiah 52:14; Isaiah 53:2; Isaiah 55:4; Isaiah 59:16; Isaiah 61:1; Isaiah 62:11; Isaiah 63:1; Jeremiah 23:5; Ezekiel 17:22; Daniel 2:34; Daniel 2:44; Daniel 7:13; Daniel 9:25; Micah 5:2; Haggai 2:7; Zechariah 3:8; Zechariah 6:12; Zechariah 9:9; Zechariah 11:12; Zechariah 12:10; Zechariah 13:7; Malachi 3:1;


Forecast of the weather Matthew 16:2; Matthew 16:3; Luke 12:54; Luke 12:55; Acts 27:10;

Affected by Prayer 1 Samuel 12:16-18; 1 Kings 18:41-45; James 5:17-18;

CLOUDS Judges 5:4; Job 26:8; Job 37:16; Psalms 77:17; Ecclesiastes 11:3; Ecclesiastes 11:4; Ecclesiastes 12:2; 2 Peter 2:17;

Dew Genesis 27:28; Exodus 16:13; Deuteronomy 33:28; 1 Kings 17:1; Proverbs 3:20;

Frost Genesis 31:40; Job 37:10; Psalms 78:47; Psalms 147:16;

DROUGHT, General References to Deuteronomy 8:15; Deuteronomy 11:17; Deuteronomy 28:24; 1 Kings 8:35; Isaiah 5:6; Jeremiah 2:6; Hosea 13:5;

Heat Genesis 8:22; Genesis 18:1; Luke 12:55; James 1:11;

Cold Job 37:9; Psalms 147:17; Proverbs 20:4; Acts 28:2;

Mist Genesis 2:6; 2 Peter 2:17;

Vapour Psalms 135:7; Psalms 148:8; Jeremiah 10:13; James 4:14;


Allusions to Remarkable Genesis 7:11; Genesis 19:24; Exodus 9:23; Joshua 10:11; 1 Samuel 7:10; Acts 27:18;

Hail-storms Exodus 9:23; Joshua 10:11; Psalms 18:13; Isaiah 28:2; Ezekiel 13:11; Revelation 8:7;

Rain Genesis 7:12; 1 Samuel 12:18; 1 Kings 18:41; Ezra 10:9; Ecclesiastes 11:3; Isaiah 55:10; Joel 2:23; Matthew 5:45; Matthew 7:25; Acts 14:17; Acts 28:2;

Tempests 1 Kings 19:11; Job 1:19;

Jnh 1:4 Mark 4:37; Acts 27:14;

Water Spouts Psalms 42:7;


Sent as Punishment Exodus 9:23; 1 Samuel 7:10; Psalms 78:48;

Sent as a Sign 1 Samuel 12:18; Revelation 4:5; Revelation 16:18;

Lightning Exodus 19:16; Exodus 20:18; 2 Samuel 22:15; Job 37:3; Job 38:35; Psalms 18:14; Nahum 2:4; Matthew 24:27; Revelation 4:5;


Wonderful Effects of Genesis 8:1; Exodus 15:10; Numbers 11:31; Ezekiel 37:9;

Jnh 1:4

East Job 27:21; Ezekiel 17:10; Hosea 13:15;

North Song of Solomon 4:16;

South Job 37:17; Luke 12:55; Acts 27:13;

West Exodus 10:19;


General References to 2 Kings 2:1; Job 37:9; Job 38:1; Psalms 58:9; Ezekiel 1:4;

Symbol of the Sudden Destruction of the Wicked Proverbs 1:27; Proverbs 10:25; Isaiah 17:13; Isaiah 40:24; Jeremiah 23:19; Jeremiah 25:32; Jeremiah 30:23;


(son of Enoch) Genesis 5:21; Genesis 5:27; 1 Chronicles 1:3;


(the Morasthite, a prophet) Micah 1:1;


(a prophet) 1 Kings 22:8; 2 Chronicles 18:7;



Mice Leviticus 11:29; 1 Samuel 6:4; Isaiah 66:17;


(the archangel) Daniel 10:13; Daniel 10:21; Daniel 12:1; Jude 1:9; Revelation 12:7;


(Saul's daughter, married to David) 1 Samuel 14:49; 1 Samuel 18:20; 1 Samuel 18:27; 1 Samuel 19:12; 1 Samuel 25:44; 2 Samuel 3:13; 2 Samuel 6:16; 2 Samuel 6:23; 2 Samuel 21:8; 1 Chronicles 15:29;


(a town of Benjamin) 1 Samuel 13:5; Ezra 2:27; Nehemiah 11:31;


Son of Abraham and Keturah Genesis 25:2; Exodus 18:1; Numbers 22:4; Numbers 31:3; Judges 6:1; Judges 7:8; Judges 8:28;

Land of Exodus 2:15; 1 Kings 11:18; Isaiah 60:6; Habakkuk 3:7;


(descendants of Midian) Genesis 37:28; Genesis 37:36; Numbers 31:2; Judges 6:7; Judges 7:1; Judges 7:25;


(scenes at) Exodus 11:4; Matthew 25:6; Acts 16:25; Acts 20:7;


(a town near the Red Sea) Exodus 14:2; Numbers 33:7; Jeremiah 44:1; Jeremiah 46:14;

Mighty Men

Mighty Men Genesis 10:8; 1 Samuel 14:52; 2 Samuel 23:8; 1 Chronicles 11:10;


(Molech or Moloch, a god of the Ammonites) Leviticus 18:21; 2 Kings 23:10; Jeremiah 32:35; Amos 5:26; Acts 7:43;


Mildew Deuteronomy 28:22; 1 Kings 8:37; Amos 4:9; Haggai 2:17;