Strong's Hebrew Dictionary (KJV)


(8286) Sruwg [ser-oog']

from 'sarag' (sarag); tendril; Serug, a postdiluvian patriarch:--Serug.

(8287) Sharuwchen [shaw-roo-khen']

probably from 'sharah' (sharah) (in the sense of dwelling (compare 'shre'' (shre')) and 'chen' (chen); abode of pleasure; Sharuchen, a place in Palestine:--Sharuhen.

(8288) srowk [ser-oke']

from 'sarak' (sarak); a thong (as laced or tied):--((shoe-)) latchet.

(8289) Sharown [shaw-rone']

probably abridged from 'yashar' (yashar); plain, Sharon, the name of a place in Palestine:--Lasharon, Sharon.

(8290) Sharowniy [shaw-ro-nee']

patrial from 'Sharown' (Sharown); a Sharonite or inhabitant of Sharon:--Sharonite.

(8291) saruwq [sar-ook']

passive participle from the same as 'soreq' (soreq); a grapevine:--principal plant. See 'saruq' (saruq), 'soreq' (soreq).

(8292) shruwqah [sher-oo-kaw']

or (by permutation) shriyqah {sher-ee- kaw'}; feminine passive participle of 'sharaq' (sharaq); a whistling (in scorn); by analogy, a piping:--bleating, hissing.

(8293) sheruwth [shay-rooth']

from 'sharah' (sharah) abbreviated; freedom:--remnant.

(8294) Serach [seh'-rakh]

by permutation for 'cerach' (cerach); superfluity; Serach, an Israelitess:--Sarah, Serah.

(8295) sarat [saw-rat']

a primitive root; to gash:--cut in pieces, make (cuttings) pieces.

(8296) seret [seh'-ret]

and sareteth {saw-reh'-teth}; from 'sarat' (sarat); an incision:--cutting.

(8297) Saray [saw-rah'-ee]

from 'sar' (sar); dominative; Sarai, the wife of Abraham:--Sarai.

(8298) Sharay [shaw-rah'-ee]

probably from 'sharar' (sharar); hostile; Sharay, an Israelite:--Sharai.

(8299) sariyg [saw-reeg']

from 'sarag' (sarag); a tendril (as entwining):--branch.

(8300) sariyd [saw-reed']

from 'sarad' (sarad); a survivor:--X alive, left, remain(- ing), remnant, rest.

(8301) Sariyd [suw-reed']

the same as 'sariyd' (sariyd); Sarid, a place in Palestine:--Sarid.

(8302) shiryown [shir-yone']

or shiryon {shir-yone'}; and shiryan {shir- yawn'}; also (feminine) shiryah {shir-yaw'}; and shiryonah {shir-yo-naw'}; from 'sharah' (sharah) in the original sense of turning; a corslet (as if twisted):--breastplate, coat of mail, habergeon, harness. See 'ciyron' (ciyron).

(8303) Shiryown [shir-yone']

and Siryon {sir-yone'}; the same as 'Srayah' (Srayah) (i.e. sheeted with snow); Shirjon or Sirjon, a peak of the Lebanon:--Sirion.

(8304) Srayah [ser-aw-yaw']

or Srayahuw {ser-aw-yaw'-hoo}; from 'sarah' (sarah) and 'Yahh' (Yahh); Jah has prevailed; Serajah, the name of nine Israelites:--Seraiah.

(8305) sriyqah [ser-ee-kaw']

from the same as 'soreq' (soreq) in the original sense of piercing; hetchelling (or combing flax), i.e. (concretely) tow (by extension, linen cloth):--fine.

(8306) shariyr [shaw-reer']

from 'sharar' (sharar) in the original sense as in 'shor' (shor) (compare 'shorer' (shorer)); a cord, i.e. (by analogy) sinew:--navel.

(8307) shriyruwth [sher-ee-rooth']

from 'sharar' (sharar) in the sense of twisted, i.e. firm; obstinacy:--imagination, lust.

(8308) sarak [saw-rak']

a primitive root; to interlace:--traverse.

(8309) shremah [sher-ay-maw']

probably by an orthographical error for 'shdemah' (shdemah); a common:--field.

(8310) Sarckiym [sar-seh-keem']

of foreign derivation; Sarsekim, a Babylonian general:--Sarsechim.

(8311) sara` [saw-rah']

a primitive root; to prolong, i.e. (reflex) be deformed by excess of members:--stretch out self, (have any) superfluous thing.

(8312) sar`aph [sar-af']

for 'ca`iph' (ca`iph); cogitation:--thought.

(8313) saraph [saw-raf']

a primitive root; to be (causatively, set) on fire:--(cause to, make a) burn((-ing), up) kindle, X utterly.

(8314) saraph [saw-rawf']

from 'saraph' (saraph); burning, i.e. (figuratively) poisonous (serpent); specifically, a saraph or symbolical creature (from their copper color):--fiery (serpent), seraph.

(8315) Saraph [saw-raf']

the same as 'saraph' (saraph); Saraph, an Israelite:--Saraph.

(8316) srephah [ser-ay-faw']

from 'saraph' (saraph); cremation:--burning.

(8317) sharats [shaw-rats']

a primitive root; to wriggle, i.e. (by implication) swarm or abound:--breed (bring forth, increase) abundantly (in abundance), creep, move.

(8318) sherets [sheh'-rets]

from 'sharats' (sharats); a swarm, i.e. active mass of minute animals:--creep(-ing thing), move(-ing creature).

(8319) sharaq [shaw-rak']

a primitive root; properly, to be shrill, i.e. to whistle or hiss (as a call or in scorn):--hiss.

(8320) saruq [saw-rook']

from 'sharaq' (sharaq); bright red (as piercing to the sight), i.e. bay:--speckled. See 'saruwq' (saruwq).

(8321) soreq [so-rake']

or sowreq {so-rake'}; and (feminine) soreqah {so- ray-kaw'}; from 'sharaq' (sharaq) in the sense of redness (compare 'saruq' (saruq)); a vine stock (properly, one yielding purple grapes, the richest variety):--choice(-st, noble) wine. Compare 'saruwq' (saruwq).

(8322) shreqah [sher-ay-kaw']

from 'sharaq' (sharaq); a derision:--hissing.

(8323) sarar [saw-rar']

a primitive root; to have (transitively, exercise; reflexively, get) dominion:--X altogether, make self a prince, (bear) rule.

(8324) sharar [shaw-rar']

a primitive root; to be hostile (only active participle an opponent):--enemy.

(8325) Sharar [shaw-rawr']

from 'sharar' (sharar); hostile; Sharar, an Israelite:--Sharar.

(8326) shorer [sho'-rer]

from 'sharar' (sharar) in the sense of twisting (compare 'shor' (shor)); the umbilical cord, i.e. (by extension) a bodice:--navel.

(8327) sharash [shaw-rash']

a primitive root; to root, i.e. strike into the soil, or (by implication) to pluck from it:--(take, cause to take) root (out).

(8328) sheresh [sheh'-resh]

from 'sharash' (sharash); a root (literally or figuratively):--bottom, deep, heel, root.

(8329) Sheresh [sheh'-resh]

the same as 'sheresh' (sheresh); Sheresh, an Israelite:--Sharesh.

(8330) shoresh [sho'-resh]

(Aramaic) corresponding to 'sheresh' (sheresh):--root.

(8331) sharshah [shar-shaw']

from 'sharash' (sharash); a chain (as rooted, i.e. linked):--chain. Compare 'sharahrah' (sharahrah).

(8332) shroshuw [sher-o-shoo']

(Aramaic) from a root corresponding to 'sharash' (sharash); eradication, i.e. (figuratively) exile:--banishment.

(8333) sharahrah [shar-sher-aw']

from 'sharash' (sharash) (compare 'sharshah' (sharshah)); a chain; (arch.) probably a garland:--chain.

(8334) sharath [shaw-rath']

a primitive root; to attend as a menial or worshipper; figuratively, to contribute to:--minister (unto), (do) serve(- ant, -ice, -itor), wait on.

(8335) shareth [shaw-rayth']

infinitive of 'sharath' (sharath); service (in the Temple):--minister(-ry).

(8336) shesh [shaysh]

or (for alliteration with 'meshiy' (meshiy)) shshiy {shesh-ee'}; for 'shayish' (shayish); bleached stuff, i.e. white linen or (by analogy) marble:--X blue, fine ((twined)) linen, marble, silk.

(8337) shesh [shaysh]

masculine shishshah {shish-shaw'}; a primitive number; six (as an overplus (see 'suws' (suws)) beyond five or the fingers of the hand); as ord. sixth:--six((-teen, -teenth)), sixth.

(8338) shawshaw [shaw-shaw']

a primitive root; apparently, to annihilate:--leave by the sixth part (by confusion with 'shashah' (shashah)).

(8339) Sheshbatstsar [shaysh-bats-tsar']

of foreign derivation; Sheshbatstsar, Zerubbabel's Persian name:--Sheshbazzar.

(8340) Sheshbatstsar [shaysh-bats-tsar']

(Aramaic) corresponding to 'Sheshbatstsar' (Sheshbatstsar):--Sheshbazzar.

(8341) shashah [shaw-shaw']

a denominative from 'shesh' (shesh); to sixth or divide into sixths:--give the sixth participle

(8342) sasown [saw-sone']

or sason {saw-sone'}; from 'suws' (suws); cheerfulness; specifically, welcome:--gladness, joy, mirth, rejoicing.

(8343) Shashay [shaw-shah'-ee]

perhaps from 'shesh' (shesh); whitish; Shashai, an Israelite:--Shashai.

(8344) Sheshay [shay-shah'-ee]

probably for 'Shashay' (Shashay); Sheshai, a Canaanite:--Sheshai.

(8345) shishshiy [shish-shee']

from 'shesh' (shesh); sixth, ord. or (feminine) fractional:--sixth (part).

(8346) shishshiym [shish-sheem']

multiple of 'shesh' (shesh); sixty:--sixty, three score.

(8347) Sheshak [shay-shak']

of foreign derivation; Sheshak, a symbol. name of Babylon:--Sheshach.

(8348) Sheshan [shay-shawn']

perhaps for 'shuwshan' (shuwshan); lily; Sheshan, an Israelite:--Sheshan.

(8349) Shashaq [shaw-shak']

probably from the base of 'showq' (showq); pedestrian; Shashak, an Israelite:--Shashak.

(8350) shashar [shaw-shar']

perhaps from the base of 'sharar' (sharar) in the sense of that of 'saruq' (saruq); red ochre (from its piercing color):--vermillion.

(8351) sheth [shayth]

(Numbers from 'sha'ah' (sha'ah); tumult:--Sheth.

(8352) Sheth [shayth]

from 'shiyth' (shiyth); put, i.e. substituted; Sheth, third son of Adam:--Seth, Sheth.

(8353) sheth [shayth]

(Aramaic) or shith (Aramaic) {sheeth}; corresponding to 'shesh' (shesh):--six(-th).

(8354) shathah [shaw-thaw']

a primitive root; to imbibe (literally or figuratively):--X assuredly, banquet, X certainly, drink(-er, -ing), drunk (X -ard), surely. (Prop. intensive of 'shaqah' (shaqah).)

(8355) shthah [sheth-aw']

(Aramaic) corresponding to 'shathah' (shathah):--drink.

(8356) shathah [shaw-thaw']

from 'shiyth' (shiyth); a basis, i.e. (figuratively) political or moral support:--foundation, purpose.

(8357) shethah [shay-thaw']

from 'shiyth' (shiyth); the seat (of the person):--buttock.

(8358) shthiy [sheth-ee']

from 'shathah' (shathah); intoxicaion:--drunkenness.

(8359) shthiy [sheth-ee']

from 'shiyth' (shiyth); a fixture, i.e. the warp in weaving:--warp.

(8360) shthiyah [sheth-ee-yaw']

feminine of 'shthiy' (shthiy); potation:--drinking.

(8361) shittiyn [shit-teen']

(Aramaic) corresponding to 'shishshiym' (shishshiym) (compare 'sheth' (sheth)); sixty:--threescore.

(8362) shathal [shaw-thal']

a primitive root; to transplant:--plant.

(8363) shthiyl [sheth-eel']

from 'shathal' (shathal); a sprig (as if transplanted), i.e. sucker:--plant.

(8364) Shuthalchiy [shoo-thal-kee']

patronymically from 'Shuwthelach' (Shuwthelach); a Shuthalchite (collectively) or descendants of Shuthelach:--Shuthalhites.

(8365) shatham [shaw-tham']

a primitive root; to unveil (figuratively):--be open.

(8366) shathan [shaw-than']

a primitive root; (causatively) to make water, i.e. urinate:--piss.

(8367) shathaq [shaw-thak']

a primitive root; to subside:--be calm, cease, be quiet.

(8368) sathar [saw-thar']

a primitive root; to break out (as an eruption):--have in (one's) secret parts.

(8369) Shethar [shay-thawr']

of foreign derivation; Shethar, a Persian satrap:--Shethar.

(8370) Shthar Bowznay [sheth-ar' bo-zen-ah'-ee]

of foreign derivation; Shethar-Bozenai, a Persian officer:--Shethar-boznai.

(8371) shathath [shaw-thath']

a primitive root; to place, i.e. array; reflex. to lie:--be laid, set.