Nave's Topical Index


Taanach - Topography


A city conquered by Joshua Joshua 12:21;

Allotted to the tribe of Manasseh Joshua 17:11; 1Chronicles 7:29;

Caananites not driven from Joshua 17:12; Judges 1:27;

Assigned to the Levites Joshua 21:25;

The scene of Barak's victory Judges 5:19;

One of Solomon's commissaries at 1Kings 4:12;


A city in the territory of the tribe of Ephraim Joshua 16:6;


One of the Nethinim Ezra 2:43; Nehemiah 7:46;


A place of uncertain location Judges 7:22;


Father of one whom the kings of Syria and Israel sought to make king in Judah instead of Ahaz Isaiah 7:6;


1. A Persian official in Samaria Ezra 4:7;


A place in the wilderness where the Israelites were punished for their complaining Numbers 11:3; Deuteronomy 9:22;


One existed before Moses received the pattern authorized on Mount Sinai Exodus 33:7;

Pattern of, revealed to Moses Exodus 25:9; 26:30; 39:32,42,43; Acts 7:44; Hebrews 8:5;

Materials for, voluntarily offered Exodus 25:1; 35:4-29; 36:3-7;

Value of the substance contributed for Exodus 38:24;

Workmen who constructed it were inspired Exodus 31:1; 35:30-35;

The outer covering Exodus 25:5; 26:7-14; 36:14-19;

The second covering Exodus 25:5; 26:14; 35:7,23; 36:19; 39:34;

The curtains of Exodus 26:1; 27:9-16; 35:15,17; 36:8-19,35,37;

The courtyard of Exodus 27:9; 38:9-16,18; 40:8,33;

The Holy Place of Exodus 26:31; 40:22-26; Hebrews 9:2;

The Most Holy Place Exodus 26:33; 40:20,21; Hebrews 9:3;

The furniture of Exodus 25:10; 27:1-8,19; 38:1-8;

Completed Exodus 39:32;

Sanctified Exodus 29:43; 40:9-16; Numbers 7:1;

Anointed with holy oil Exodus 30:25; Leviticus 8:10; Numbers 7:1;

Sprinkled with blood Leviticus 16:15; Hebrews 9:21;

Filled with the cloud of glory Exodus 40:34;

How prepared for removal during the travels of the Israelites Numbers 1:51; 4:5-15;

How and by whom carried Numbers 4:5; 7:6-9;

Strangers (foreigners) forbidden to enter Numbers 1:51;

Defilement of, punished Leviticus 15:31; Numbers 19:13; Ezekiel 5:11; 23:38;

Israelites worship at Numbers 10:3; 16:19,42,43; 20:6; 25:6; 1Samuel 2:22; Psalm 27:4;

Offerings brought to Leviticus 17:4; Numbers 31:54; Deuteronomy 12:5;

Causes tried at Deuteronomy 12:5;

All males required to appear before, three times each year Exodus 23:17;

Tabernacle tax Exodus 30:11;

Carried in front of the people of Israel in the line of march Numbers 10:33; Joshua 3:3;

The Lord reveals himself at Leviticus 1:1; Numbers 1:1; 7:89; 12:4-10; Deuteronomy 31:14;

Renewed by David, and pitched upon Mount Zion 1Chronicles 15:1; 16:1,2; 2Chronicles 1:4;

Solomon offers sacrifice at 2Chronicles 1:3;

Brought to the temple by Solomon 2Chronicles 5:5; 1Kings 8:1;

Symbol of spiritual things Psalm 15:1; Hebrews 8:2; 9:1-12,24;

Tabernacles, Feast Of

Instituted Exodus 23:16; 34:22; Leviticus 23:34;

Design of Leviticus 23:42;

The law read in connection with, every seventh year Deuteronomy 31:10; Nehemiah 8:18;

Observance of, after the captivity Ezra 3:4; Nehemiah 8:14;

By Jesus John 7:2;

Observance of, omitted Nehemiah 8:17;

Penalty for not observing Zechariah 14:16;

Jeroboam institutes an idolatrous feast to correspond to, in the eighth month 1Kings 12:32; 1Chronicles 27:11;


Restored to life by Peter Acts 9:36;


4. A slab upon which inscriptions were made Isaiah 30:8; Habakkuk 2:2; Luke 1:63;


2. A plain (R. V., 'oak') of unknown location 1Samuel 10:3;



Father of Ben-hadad 1Kings 15:18;


General scriptures concerning Proverbs 15:1; 25:15;

In preaching 1Corinthians 9:19; 2Corinthians 12:6;

Of Gideon Judges 8:1;

Of Saul, in managing malcontents 1Samuel 10:27; 11:7,12-15;

Nabal's wife 1Samuel 25:18;

Joab's trick in obtaining David's consent to the return of Absalom 2Samuel 14:1;

The wise woman of Abel 2Samuel 20:16;

Solomon, in arbitrating between the prostitutes 1Kings 3:24;

Mordecai, in concealing Esther's nationality Esther 2:10;

Esther, in placating the king Esther 5:7;

The town clerk of Ephesus Acts 19:35;

The group decision at Jerusalem Acts 21:20;



A city built in the wilderness by Solomon 1Kings 9:18; 2Chronicles 8:4;


1. Son of Ephraim Numbers 26:35;

2. A descendant of Ephraim 1Chronicles 7:25;



1. A camping place of the Israelites Numbers 33:26;

2. A Kohathite 1Chronicles 6:24;

3. The name of two Ephraimites 1Chronicles 7:20;


A city in Egypt Jeremiah 2:16; 43:7-9; 44:1; 46:14; Ezekiel 30:18;


A queen of Egypt 1Kings 11:19;


Son of Micah 1Chronicles 9:41;

Called TAREA 1Chronicles 8:35;


An unknown place 2Samuel 24:6;


General scriptures concerning Exodus 31:2; 39:1;


General scriptures concerning Leviticus 19:16; Psalm 15:1; Proverbs 11:13; 16:28; 17:9; 18:8; 20:19; 26:20-22; 1Timothy 5:11;


General scriptures concerning 1Kings 9:14; 10:10,14;

(A weight equal to three-thousand shekels-about one hundred twenty-five pounds) Exodus 38:25;



1. A son of Anak Numbers 13:22; Joshua 15:14; Judges 1:10;

2. King of Geshur 2Samuel 3:3; 13:37; 1Chronicles 3:2;


A porter of the temple 1Chronicles 9:17;

Family of, return from captivity with Zerubbabel Ezra 2:42; Nehemiah 7:45; 11:19; 12:25;


One of the Nethinim Nehemiah 7:55;

Called THAMAH Ezra 2:53;


2. Daughter of David 2Samuel 13:1; 1Chronicles 3:9;

3. Daughter of Absalom 2Samuel 14:27;

4. A city of unknown location Ezekiel 47:19; 48:28;



A Syrian idol Ezekiel 8:14;



Father of Seraiah 2Kings 25:23; Jeremiah 40:8;


General scriptures concerning Acts 9:43; 10:5,6;


General scriptures concerning 1Samuel 1:6; 1Kings 18:27;


General scriptures concerning Proverbs 7:16; 31:22;

Of the tabernacle Exodus 26:1; 27:9-17; 36:8-18;

Gold thread woven into Exodus 39:3;

In palaces Esther 1:6; SongofSolomon 1:5;

In shrines of male prostitutes where some women did weaving for the goddess Asherah 2Kings 23:7;


Daughter of Solomon 1Kings 4:11;


1. A city of the tribe of Judah Joshua 12:17; 15:34;

2. A city in the territory of the tribe of Ephraim Joshua 16:8; 17:8;

3. Son of Hebron 1Chronicles 2:43;


A camping place of the Israelites Numbers 33:27;


A city in the territory of the tribe of Benjamin Joshua 18:27;


A son of Micah 1Chronicles 8:35;

Called TAHREA 1Chronicles 9:41;


Parable of Matthew 13:24;


Used by spearmen 2Chronicles 14:8;



Colonists in Samaria Ezra 4:9;


1. Son of Javan Genesis 10:4; 1Chronicles 1:7;

3. Son of Bilhan 1Chronicles 7:10;

4. A Persian prince Esther 1:14;


Paul's birthplace Acts 9:11; 21:39; 22:3;

Paul sent to, from Jerusalem, to avoid assassination Acts 9:30;

Paul brought from, by Barnabas Acts 11:25;


An Assyrian idol 2Kings 17:31;


An Assyrian general 2Kings 18:17; Isaiah 20:1;


General scriptures concerning Exodus 5:13;


The sense of, lost 2Samuel 19:35;


A Persian governor in Samaria Ezra 5:3; 6:6,13;



Forbidden Leviticus 19:28;



Poll Exodus 30:11; 38:26; Nehemiah 10:32; Luke 2:1;

Jesus pays Matthew 17:24;

Land Genesis 41:34; 2Kings 23:35;

Land mortgaged for Nehemiah 5:3;

Priests exempted from Genesis 47:26; Ezra 7:24;

Paid in grain Amos 5:11; 7:1;

Paid in provisions 1Kings 4:7;

Personal 1Kings 9:15; 2Kings 15:19; 23:35;

Resisted by Israelites 1Kings 12:18; 2Chronicles 10:18;

The R. V. changes the reading to enrolled instead of taxed Luke 2:1;

Collectors of 2Samuel 20:24; 1Kings 4:6; Isaiah 33:18; Daniel 11:20; Mark 2:14; Luke 3:13; 5:27;

Unpopular Matthew 5:46; 9:11; 11:19; 18:17; 21:31; Luke 18:11;

Stoned 2Chronicles 10:18;


Samuel, head of school of prophets 1Samuel 19:20;

Elisha, head of, at Gilgal 2Kings 4:38;



General scriptures concerning Psalm 6:6; 39:12; 42:3;

Observed by God Psalm 56:8; Isaiah 38:3;

Wiped away Revelation 7:17;

None in heaven Revelation 21:4;

FIGURATIVE Psalm 80:5;


Son of Nahor Genesis 22:24;


Son of Hosah 1Chronicles 26:11;


The tenth month (January) Esther 2:16; Ezekiel 29:1;


Legal Matthew 12:2; Luke 6:2;


General scriptures concerning Proverbs 10:26;

Gnashing (grinding) of, usually signifying anger or extreme pain Job 16:9; Psalm 35:16; 37:12; 112:10; Lamentations 2:16; Matthew 8:12; 13:42,50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Mark 9:18; Luke 13:28; Acts 7:54;



Son of Eshton 1Chronicles 4:12;

Teil Tree

General scriptures concerning Isaiah 6:13;


General scriptures concerning Daniel 5:25;



A city in the territory of Judah 2Chronicles 11:6;

Home of the woman who interceded for Absalom 2Samuel 14:2;

Rebuilt by Rehoboam 2Chronicles 11:6;

Desert of 2Chronicles 20:20;

People of, work on the new wall of Jerusalem Nehemiah 3:5;

Prophecy concerning Jeremiah 6:1;

Home of Amos Amos 1:1;


Residence of Jewish captives in Babylonia Ezekiel 3:15;


Son of Rephah 1Chronicles 7:25;


A place of unknown location 1Samuel 15:4;


A city or district conquered by the Assyrians 2Kings 19:12; Isaiah 37:12;


1. A city of the tribe of Judah Joshua 15:24;

2. A porter who put away (divorced) his Gentile wife Ezra 10:24;


A place in Babylonia Ezra 2:59; Nehemiah 7:61;


A place in Babylonia Ezra 2:59; Nehemiah 7:61;


1. Son of Ishmael Genesis 25:15; 1Chronicles 1:30;

2. A people of Arabia, probably descendants from Tema, Ishmael's son Job 6:19; Isaiah 21:14; Jeremiah 25:23;


1. Son of Eliphaz Genesis 36:11;




Son of Ashur 1Chronicles 4:6;



General scriptures concerning Esther 1:7; Proverbs 23:1; 25:16; Daniel 1:8; Romans 13:14; 1Corinthians 9:25; Philippians 4:5; 1Thessalonians 5:6; 1Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:7; 2:2,3,12; 2Peter 1:5;


EZEKIEL'S VISION OF Ezekiel 37:26; 40:48;

Temporal Blessings


General scriptures concerning Genesis 3:1; 20:6; Exodus 34:12; Deuteronomy 7:25; 8:11-14,17,18; 13:3; 1Chronicles 21:1; 2Chronicles 32:30; Psalm 119:165; Proverbs 1:10; 2:10-12,16; 4:14,15; 5:6-21; 6:27,28; 7:7-23; 9:15-17; 12:26; 13:14; 14:27; 16:29; 19:27; 28:10; Ecclesiastes 7:26; Isaiah 33:15; Jeremiah 2:24; 35:5-7; Hosea 7:5; Amos 2:12; Matthew 4:1; 5:19; 12:45; 13:22; 18:6-9; 26:31,41; Mark 4:15; 10:21-25; 13:21,22; 14:38; Luke 4:1; 8:13,14; 11:4; 22:3,31,32,40,46; John 16:1; Romans 6:12; 7:5; 8:35-39; 12:21; 14:13,15,21; 1Corinthians 7:5; 8:9-13; 10:13,28-32; 2Corinthians 2:11; 11:3,14,15; 12:7; Galatians 4:14; 5:17; Ephesians 4:27; 6:11,13-17; 1Thessalonians 3:5; 1Timothy 5:15; 6:9,10; 2Timothy 3:13; Hebrews 2:18; 4:15; 12:3,4; James 1:2; 4:7; 1Peter 1:6; 4:12; 2Peter 2:9; 3:17; 1John 2:16; 4:4; Revelation 3:10; 12:10,11,17;

RESISTANCE TO Genesis 39:7; Nehemiah 4:9; Job 31:1; Psalm 17:4; 73:2-26; 94:17,18; 119:101,110; Amos 4:12; Matthew 4:1; 24:42-44; 25:13; 26:38-42; Mark 13:33; 14:37,38; Luke 4:1; 12:35-38; 21:33-36; 1Corinthians 6:13; 1Peter 4:7; Revelation 3:2;


(Used for an indefinite number) Genesis 31:7; Leviticus 26:26; Numbers 14:22; Zechariah 8:23;

Ten Commandments


Evicted Matthew 21:41; Mark 12:9; Luke 20:16;


Used for a dwelling Genesis 4:20;

By Noah Genesis 9:21;

By Abraham Genesis 12:8; 13:18; 18:1;

By Lot Genesis 13:5;

By Moses Exodus 18:7;

By the people of Israel Numbers 24:5; 2Samuel 20:1; 1Kings 12:16;

By the Midianites Judges 6:5;

By Cushites Habakkuk 3:7;

By Arabians Isaiah 13:20;

By shepherds Isaiah 38:12; Jeremiah 6:3;

Women had separate tents from men Genesis 24:67; 31:33;

Used for cattle 2Chronicles 14:15;

The manufacture of Acts 18:3;


The father of Abraham Genesis 11:24;

Was an idolater Joshua 24:2;

Called THARA Luke 3:34;


Used by Laban, stolen by Rachael (equivalent to a deed to all of Laban's property, according to the Nuzi tablets) Genesis 31:19;

Used by Micah, stolen by the Danites Judges 17:5; 18:14,17-20;

Condemned and disposed of by Jacob Genesis 35:2; 31:35-39;


Plotted against Ahasuerus Esther 2:21; 6:2;


Paul's amanuensis (copyist) in writing the book of Romans Romans 16:22;


The prosecutor of Paul before Governor Felix Acts 24:1;


A will Hebrews 9:16;

The new Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; 1Corinthians 11:25;


RELIGIOUS, EXEMPLIFIED Job 19:25; Psalm 16:5; 18:2,3,35,36; 22:22; 23:1-6; 26:12; 27:1-6,13; 28:6-8; 30:1-6; 34:1-4,8,9; 35:28; 40:1-3,9; 54:7; 57:7-9; 62:1,2; 66:16-20; 71:15-18,24; 73:23-26,28; 77:12; 89:1; 91:2-13; 116:1-14; 119:13,26,27,46,67,71; 145:4-7,10-12; Daniel 4:1; John 9:17; Acts 2:4; 3:15; 4:18-20; 5:31,32; 13:31; 26:12-23; 1Corinthians 15:15; 2Corinthians 4:13; 5:1; Galatians 2:20; Philippians 3:4; 2Timothy 1:12; 4:7,8; Titus 1:1; 3:3-7; 1Peter 5:12; 2Peter 1:16; 1John 1:1;


A Roman ruler Matthew 14:1;


One of the twelve apostles Matthew 10:3; Mark 3:18;


Son of Nahor Genesis 22:24;


One of the Nethinim Ezra 2:53; Nehemiah 7:55;



Jesus set an example of Matthew 11:25; 26:27; John 11:41;

The heavenly host engage in Revelation 4:9; 7:11,12; 11:16,17;

Commanded Psalm 50:14;

Should be accompanied by intercession for others 1Timothy 2:1; 2Timothy 1:3; Philemon 1:4;

Should always accompany prayer Nehemiah 11:17; Philippians 4:6; Colossians 4:2;

Should always accompany praise Psalm 92:1; Hebrews 13:15;

Expressed in psalms 1Chronicles 16:7;

Ministers appointed to offer, in public 1Chronicles 16:4; 23:30; 2Chronicles 31:2;

Saints exhorted to Psalm 105:1; Colossians 3:15;

Resolve to offer Psalm 18:49; 30:12;

Habitually offer Daniel 6:10;

Offer sacrifices of Psalm 116:17;

Abound in the faith with Colossians 2:7;

Magnify God by Psalm 69:30;

Come before God with Psalm 95:2;

Should enter God's gates with Psalm 100:4;

Of hypocrites, full of boasting Luke 18:11;

The wicked averse to Romans 1:21;

Thank Offerings




1. Son of Bilhan 1Chronicles 7:10;


General scriptures concerning Acts 19:29;


A city, at which Abimelech was killed while besieging Judges 9:50; 2Samuel 11:21;

Theft And Thieves

General scriptures concerning Exodus 20:15; 21:16; 22:1-4,10-15; Leviticus 6:2; 19:11,13; Deuteronomy 5:19; 23:24,25; Psalm 50:18; 62:10; 119:61; Proverbs 6:30; 21:7; Isaiah 61:8; Jeremiah 2:26; 7:9,10; Ezekiel 22:29; Hosea 4:1; 3:1; Zechariah 5:3; Matthew 6:19; 15:19; 19:18; 21:13; 27:38,44; Mark 7:21; 11:17; 15:27; Luke 18:20; 19:45,46; John 10:1; Romans 2:21; 13:9; 1Corinthians 6:8; Ephesians 4:28; Titus 2:10; 1Peter 4:15; Revelation 3:3; 9:21;

FIGURATIVE Revelation 1:5;


A city (district?) conquered by the Assyrians 2Kings 19:12; Isaiah 37:12;


Established Exodus 19:8; 24:3,7; Deuteronomy 5:25; 33:2-5; Judges 8:23; 1Samuel 12:12;

Rejected by Israel 1Samuel 8:7; 10:19; 2Chronicles 13:8;



A Christian to whom Luke addressed the books of Luke and Acts Luke 1:3; Acts 1:1;



Paul visits Acts 17:1; Philippians 4:16;

People of, persecute Paul Acts 17:5;

Men of, accompany Paul Acts 20:4; 27:2;

Paul writes to Christians in 1Thessalonians 1:1; 2Thessalonians 1:1;

Demas goes to 2Timothy 4:10;


A Jewish insurrectionist Acts 5:36;


A city in territory of the tribe of Dan Joshua 19:43;


Figurative of the ardent desire of the devout mind Psalm 42:1; 63:1; 143:6; Isaiah 55:1; Amos 8:11; Matthew 5:6; John 4:14; 7:37; Revelation 21:6; 22:17;


A noxious plant Genesis 3:18; Job 31:40; Hosea 10:8;

Parables of 2Kings 14:9; 2Chronicles 25:18; Matthew 7:16;


One of the twelve apostles Matthew 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:15;

Present at the raising of Lazarus John 11:16;

Asks Jesus the way to the Father's house John 14:5;

Absent when Jesus first appeared to the disciples after the resurrection John 20:24;

Skepticism of John 20:25;

Sees Jesus after the resurrection John 20:26; 21:1,2;

Lives with the other apostles in Jerusalem Acts 1:13;

Loyalty of, to Jesus John 11:16; 20:28;


The ground cursed with Genesis 3:18;

Three Taverns

Roman Christians meet Paul in Acts 28:15;


By beating Acts 2:17;

By treading Deuteronomy 25:4; Isaiah 25:10; Hosea 10:11; 1Corinthians 9:9; 1Timothy 5:18;

Floors for Genesis 50:10; Judges 6:37; 3:2-14; 1Samuel 23:1; 2Samuel 6:6; Hosea 9:2; Joel 2:24;

Floor of Araunah purchased by David for a place of sacrifice 2Samuel 24:16;

Floor for, in barns 2Kings 6:27;


Of Pharaoh Genesis 41:40; Exodus 11:5;

Of David 1Kings 2:12; Psalm 132:11; Isaiah 9:7; Jeremiah 13:13; 17:25; Luke 1:32;

Of Solomon 1Kings 2:19; 2Chronicles 9:17;

Of ivory 1Kings 10:18;

Of Solomon, called THE THRONE OF THE LORD 1Chronicles 29:23;

Of Herod Agrippa I Acts 12:21;

Of Israel 1Kings 8:20; 10:9; 2Chronicles 6:10;

Abdicated by David 1Kings 1:32;


Blood put on, in consecration Exodus 29:20; Leviticus 8:23;

In purification Leviticus 14:14;

Oil put on Leviticus 14:17;

Of prisoners cut off Judges 1:6;



Sent as a plague upon the Egyptians Exodus 9:23;

The Philistines, in battle with the people of Israel 1Samuel 7:10;

Sent as a judgment Isaiah 29:6;

On Mount Sinai Exodus 19:16; Psalm 77:18; Hebrews 12:18;

A sign of divine anger 1Samuel 12:17;

A manifestation of divine power Job 26:14; Psalm 77:18;

Sons of Zebedee called sons of Mark 3:17;


The hometown of Lydia, a convert of Paul Acts 16:14;

John given a message for Revelation 1:11; 2:18,24;


An aromatic wood Revelation 18:12;


1. A city next to Lake Galilee John 6:23;

Tiberius Caesar

An important emperor of Rome Luke 3:1;


A city conquered by David 1Chronicles 18:8;


Death of 1Kings 16:21;


King of nations (R. V., Goiim) Genesis 14:1;


Invades Israel; carries part of the people captive to Assyria 2Kings 15:29; 1Chronicles 5:6;

Forms an alliance with Ahaz; captures Damascus 2Kings 16:7; 2Chronicles 28:19;


1. Also called TIKVATH, father of Shallum 2Kings 22:14; 2Chronicles 34:22;

2. Father of Jahaziah Ezra 10:15;


Brick Ezekiel 4:1; Luke 5:19;



Son of Shimon 1Chronicles 4:20;


Father of a blind man cured by Jesus Mark 10:46;


Used by Miriam Exodus 15:20;

By Jephthah's daughter Judges 11:34;

Used in religious services 2Samuel 6:5; 1Chronicles 13:8; Psalm 68:25; 81:2; 149:3; 150:4;

Used in dances Job 21:12;


Beginning of Genesis 1:1;

The exodus Exodus 19:1; 40:17; 1Kings 6:1;

Daniel's reckoning of time, and times, and half times Daniel 7:25; 12:7;

Indicated by a sun-dial 2Kings 20:9; Isaiah 38:8;

Division of, into watches Exodus 14:24; 1Samuel 11:11; Matthew 14:25; Mark 6:48;

One day is like one-thousand years 2Peter 3:8;

Fullness of Galatians 4:4; Ephesians 1:10;

End of Job 26:10; Revelation 10:6;


1. Concubine of Eliphaz Genesis 36:12;

2. Daughter of Seir Genesis 36:22; 1Chronicles 1:39;

3. Son of Eliphaz 1Chronicles 1:36;


1. A duke of Edom Genesis 36:40; 1Chronicles 1:51;

2. A city in the territory of the tribe of Judah Joshua 15:10; 2Chronicles 28:18;

3. A city in the mountains of Judah Joshua 15:57;


1. A city given by some authorities as identical with TIMNAH, number two Genesis 38:12;



Given to Joshua Joshua 19:50;

Joshua buried in Joshua 24:30; Judges 2:9;


A member of the committee of seven men who were appointed to supervise the daily ministration Acts 6:5;


Parentage of Acts 16:1;

Reputation and Christian faith of Acts 16:2; 1Corinthians 4:17; 16:10; 2Timothy 1:5; 3:15;

Circumcised; becomes Paul's companion Acts 16:3; 1Thessalonians 3:2;

Left by Paul at Berea Acts 17:14;

Rejoined Paul at Corinth Acts 17:15; 18:5;

Sent into Macedonia Acts 19:22;

Rejoined by Paul; accompanies Paul to Asia Acts 20:1;

Sent salutation to the Romans Romans 16:21;

Sent to the Corinthians 1Corinthians 4:17; 16:10,11;

Preached to the Corinthians 2Corinthians 1:19;

Sent to the Philippians Philippians 2:19;

Sent to the Thessalonians 1Thessalonians 3:2;

Left by Paul in Ephesus 1Timothy 1:3;

Confined with Paul in Rome Philippians 2:19; Philemon 1:1; Hebrews 13:23;

Zeal of Philippians 2:19; 1Timothy 6:12;

Power of 1Timothy 4:14; 2Timothy 1:6;

Paul's love for 1Corinthians 4:17; Philippians 2:22; 1Timothy 1:2; 2Timothy 1:2;

Paul writes to 1Timothy 1:1; 2Timothy 1:1;


General scriptures concerning Numbers 31:22; Ezekiel 22:18; 27:12;


1. A city on the Euphrates River 1Kings 4:24;

2. A city of unknown location 2Kings 15:16;


Son of Japheth Genesis 10:2; 1Chronicles 1:5;


A headdress Isaiah 3:18; Ezekiel 24:17;


A king of Ethiopia 2Kings 19:9; Isaiah 37:9;


Son of Caleb 1Chronicles 2:48;


Son of Jehaleleel 1Chronicles 4:16;


A title of Persian governors Ezra 2:63; Nehemiah 7:65; 8:9;



Paid by Abraham to Melchizedek Genesis 14:20; Hebrews 7:2;

Jacob vows a tenth of all his property to God Genesis 28:22;

Mosaic laws instituting Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:21; Deuteronomy 12:6; 14:22-29; 26:12-15;

Customs relating to Nehemiah 10:37; Amos 4:4; Hebrews 7:5;

A tithe of tithes for the priests Numbers 18:26; Nehemiah 10:38;

Stored in the temple Nehemiah 10:38; 12:44; 13:5,12; 2Chronicles 31:11; Malachi 3:10;

Payment of, resumed in Hezekiah's reign 2Chronicles 31:5;

Under Nehemiah Nehemiah 13:12;

Withheld Nehemiah 13:10; Malachi 3:8;

Customary in later times Matthew 23:23; Luke 11:42; 18:12;

Observed by idolaters Amos 4:4;

Title, To Real Estate


Paul's love for 2Corinthians 2:13; 7:6,7,13,14; 8:23; Titus 1:4;

With Paul in Macedonia (see postscript to 2Co) 2Corinthians 7:5;

Affection of, for the Corinthians 2Corinthians 7:15;

Sent to Corinth 2Corinthians 8:6; 12:17,18;

Character of 2Corinthians 12:18;

Accompanies Paul to Jerusalem Galatians 2:1;

Compare Acts 15:1;

Left by Paul in Crete Titus 1:5;

To rejoin him in Nicopolis Titus 3:12;

Paul writes to Titus 1:1;

With Paul in Rome, with the postscript to 2Timothy 4:10;

Goes to Dalmatia 2Timothy 4:10;



A district in Syria Judges 11:3;

Called ISH-TOB 2Samuel 16:6;


A Levite sent by Jehoshaphat to instruct the people in the law 2Chronicles 17:8;


1. Ancestor of a family of Babylonian captives Ezra 2:60; Nehemiah 7:62;


1. A Levite sent by Jehoshaphat to instruct the people in the law 2Chronicles 17:8;

2. A captive in Babylon Zechariah 6:10;


A city in the territory of the tribe of Simeon 1Chronicles 4:32;


Anointed in consecration Exodus 29:20; Leviticus 8:23;

In purification Leviticus 14:14;

Of prisoners of war cut off Judges 1:6;

Six, on each foot 2Samuel 21:20; 1Chronicles 20:6;


Son of Gomer Genesis 10:3; 1Chronicles 1:6;

Descendants of Ezekiel 27:14; 38:6;



King of Hamath 2Samuel 8:9; 1Chronicles 18:9;


1. Son of Issachar Genesis 46:13; Numbers 26:23; 1Chronicles 7:1;

2. A judge (leader, hero) of Israel Judges 10:1;


A sign Exodus 3:12;

Sun and moon for time and seasons Genesis 1:14;

The mark of Cain Genesis 4:15;

Rainbow, that the earth would never be destroyed by a flood Genesis 9:12;

Circumcision, of the covenant of Abraham Genesis 17:11;

Presents Genesis 21:27;

Miracles of Moses, of the divine authority of his missions Exodus 4:1;

Blood of the Paschal lamb Exodus 12:13;

The Passover Exodus 13:9;

Consecration of the firstborn Exodus 13:14;

The Sabbath day Exodus 31:13;

A fringe Numbers 15:38;

Scarlet thread Joshua 2:18;

Cover of the altar Numbers 16:38;

Aaron's rod Numbers 17:10;

Memorial stones Joshua 4:2;

Dew on Gideon's fleece Judges 6:36;

Prayer for tokens of mercy Psalm 86:17;



Religions Micah 4:4; Mark 9:38; Luke 9:49; Acts 17:11; 28:31; 1Corinthians 10:28;




At Rachel's grave Genesis 35:20;


General scriptures concerning Exodus 25:38; Numbers 4:9; 1Kings 7:49;


Language Genesis 10:5; Isaiah 66:18; Revelation 7:9;

Confusion of Genesis 11:1;

Gift of Acts 2:1; 10:46; 19:6; 1Corinthians 12:10;

Loquacious Proverbs 10:8;

Restrained by wisdom Proverbs 17:27; 21:23; Ecclesiastes 3:7;

Hasty Proverbs 29:20;

Tongues (the Gift)

The miraculous gift granted to some early Christians 1Corinthians 12:10; 13:8; 14:2-19,21-28,39;



A precious stone Ezekiel 28:13; Revelation 21:20;

In the breastplate Exodus 28:17; 39:10;

Ethiopian, celebrated Job 28:19;


A place in the wilderness of Sinai Deuteronomy 1:1;


A place in the valley of the sons of Hinnom 2Kings 23:10;

Jewish children passed through the fire to the god Molech in 2Kings 23:10; Jeremiah 7:31; 19:6,11-14; 32:35;

See 2Chronicles 28:3; 33:6;

Destroyed by Josiah 2Kings 23:10;

Horror of Isaiah 30:33;


Of Canaan Joshua 13:15; 18:9;