A New Life (Revival and Beyond) -- Study Guide
Alienated and Reconciled--How Does It Happen?
33. What “is the work of conversion and sanctification?” (10) NL-SG 9.6
34. Sin separated us from God. How are we to change this so we can “see the kingdom of God?” (11) NL-SG 9.7
35. “The _________________ in __________________ to _______ is the ______________________________.” (11) NL-SG 9.8
36. In what ways is the Law a mirror? (11) NL-SG 9.9
NL-SG 9.10
37. “The _______ reveals to man ________________ but provides ________________. While it _________________________ to the ______________, it ___________ that ________ is the ___________ of the __________________. The _________________________________ can ________________ from the ___________________ or ________________________________.” (11) NL-SG 10.1
38. Name two things that must be done to obtain remission of past sins and become “a partaker of the divine nature.” (11) NL-SG 10.2
NL-SG 10.3
39. Name two people who said that we are not “now free to transgress God’s law.” (11-12) NL-SG 10.4
40. “In the __________________ the _______ is ______________________________ with _______, as it is _____________________________ with ___________.” (12) NL-SG 10.5