A New Life (Revival and Beyond) -- Study Guide

Irrational Behavior

212. “Sanctification is __________________________ of ___________, _______ the _______ of an __________, but the _______ of a _______________.” (54) NL-SG 31.9

213. How can a person tell whether or not another person is really sanctified by God? (54) NL-SG 32.1

214. What is the difference between Satan and God when they act upon a person? (54) NL-SG 32.2

215. “The __________________ and _______ of the __________________________ in acting ______________________ or ___________________. When the __________________ moves upon the ________, it causes the _____________, _____________ child of God to _____________________ that will __________________________ to the _______________________ of _____________________ men and women.” (55) NL-SG 32.3