Passion, Purpose & Power


28. Washington Morse

Traveling by foot PPP 145.1

In the years 1857, 1858, and 1859, I walked hundreds of miles in Minnesota, visiting the widely scattered settlements, carrying my Bible, chart, and tracts, endeavoring to awaken an interest in the truths of the third angel’s message. Quite a goodly number of worthy people embraced the truth as the result of the labors so bestowed, although they were put forth in much weakness, and under unfavorable conditions. . . . The first S. D. Adventists to settle in Minnesota, to the best of my knowledge, were a sister Green (now living at Hebron, Wis.) and her father. Although a distance of from thirty to eighty miles98 separated those few families of like precious faith, they did not deem it a very severe task to get together for an occasional meeting, notwithstanding an ox team and farm wagon constituted the only mode of conveyance, with some of them at least.—Washington Morse, “Items of Advent Experience During the Past Fifty Years.-No. 6,” Review and Herald, November 6, 1888, pp. 689, 690. PPP 145.2