Passion, Purpose & Power



Joseph Bates, Autobiography of Joseph Bates (Steam Press of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, 1868) PPP 250.1

Joseph Bates, Second Advent Way Marks and High Heaps (Press of Benjamin Lindsey, 1847) PPP 250.2

Joseph Bates, “Letter from Brother Bates,” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald (February 19, 1857) PPP 250.3

Joseph Bates, The Review and Herald, (January 13, 1852) PPP 250.4

Henry B. Bear, Henry B. Bear’s Advent Experience (unknown date) PPP 250.5

Sylvester Bliss, Memoirs of William Miller (Published by Joshua V. Himes, 1853) PPP 250.6

Luther Boutelle, Sketch of the Life and Religious Experience of Elder Luther Bautelle (Advent Christian Publication Society, 1891) PPP 250.7

Ms. Boyd, “The First Italian Tract,” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald (September 18, 1924) PPP 250.8

“Brother Charles Fitch,” The Midnight Cry (October 31, 1844) PPP 250.9

George I. Butler, Review and Herald (August 16, 1881) PPP 250.10

John O. Corliss, “The Message and Its Friends-No. 5, John N. Andrews, Its Pioneer Missionary,” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald (September 6, 1923) PPP 250.11

Mrs. M. C. Stowell Crawford, “A Letter from a Veteran Worker,” The Watchman (April 25, 1905) PPP 250.12

Mrs. V O. Cross, “Recollections of the Message,” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald (April 1, 1920) vol. 97, Nos. 14, 22 PPP 250.13

Heiram Edson and F. B. Hahn, The Day-Star, “Extra” (February 7, 1846) PPP 250.14

General Conference Daily Bulletin (October 29, 1889, Volume 3, Number 9) PPP 250.15

Paul A. Gordon and James R. Nix, Laughter and Tears of the Pioneers (North America Division Office of Education, 1989) PPP 250.16

Paul A. Gordon, Herald of the Midnight Cry (Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1990) PPP 250.17

Ronald D. Graybill, Mission to Black America (Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1971) PPP 250.18

H. S. Gurney, “Gurney Statement Re ‘To the Remnant,’” (May 15, 1891) PPP 251.1

H. S. Gurney, “Recollections of Early Advent Experience,” The Review and Herald (January 3, 1888) PPP 251.2

Merritt G. Kellogg, M. D., Notes Concerning the Kelloggs (1927) PPP 251.3

Anna Knight, Mississippi Girl (Southern Publishing Association, 1952) PPP 251.4

Richard B. Lewis, Streams of Light, The Story of the Pacific Press (Pacific Press, 1958) PPP 251.5

John N. Loughborough, “Sketches of the Past-No. 74,” Pacific Union Recorder (July 29, 1909) PPP 251.6

John N. Loughborough, “Sketches of the Past-No. 143,” Pacific Union Recorder (February 12, 1914) PPP 251.7

John N. Loughborough, “Sketches of the Past-No. 75,” Pacific Union Recorder (August 12, 1909) PPP 251.8

John N. Loughborough, “Second Advent Experience-No. 7,” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald (July 26, 1923) PPP 251.9

John N. Loughborough, “Second Advent Experience-No. 4,” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald (June 28, 1923) 9-10 PPP 251.10

John N. Loughborough, “Sketches of the Past-No. 139,” Pacific Union Recorder (June 19, 1913) PPP 251.11

John N. Loughborough, “Sketches of the Past-No. 144,” Pacific Union Recorder (March 19, 1914) PPP 251.12

John N. Loughborough, “Sketches of the Past-No. 140,” Pacific Union Recorder (July 3, 1913) PPP 251.13

John N. Loughborough, “Sketches of the Past-No. 142,” Pacific Union Recorder (November 27, 1913) PPP 251.14

John N. Loughborough, “Sketches of the Past-No. 141,” Pacific Union Recorder (October 30, 1913) PPP 251.15

John N. Loughborogh, “Reminiscences of the Life of Uriah Smith,” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald (April 7, 1903) PPP 251.16

John N. Loughborough, Rise and Progress of the Seventh-day Adventists (General Conference Association, 1892) PPP 251.17

Harold O. McCumber, Pioneering the Message in the Golden West (Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1946) PPP 251.18

J. L. McElhany, “Life Sketch of Elder J. O. Corliss,” The Advent Review and Sabbath PPP 251.19

Herald (October 25, 1923) PPP 252.1

Alma E. McKibbin, Step By Step (Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1964) William Miller, Apology and Defence (Pamphlet Published by J. V Himes, 1845) PPP 252.2

Washington Morse, “Items of Advent Experience During the Past Fifty Years-No. 6,” PPP 252.3

The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald (November 6, 1888) PPP 252.4

James R. Nix, “The Life and Work of Hiram Edson,” (unpublished term paper, 1971) PPP 252.5

M. Ellsworth Olsen, Origin and Progress of Seventh-day Adventists (Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1932, 3rd edition) PPP 252.6

Portland Tribune (October 12, 1844) PPP 252.7

Mrs. L. B. Priddy, “A Bit of Church History,” The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald (September 18, 1924) PPP 252.8

Dores E. Robinson, The Story of Our Health Message (Southern Publishing Association, 1965, 3rd edition revised) PPP 252.9

Ella M. Robinson, S. N. Haskell, Man of Action (Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1967) PPP 252.10

Virgil Robinson, James White (Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1976) PPP 252.11

Virgil Robinson, Flame for the Lord (Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1975) PPP 252.12

Richard A. Schaefer, Legacy Daring to Care (Legacy Publishing Association, 1995) PPP 252.13

Richard W. Schwarz, John Harvey Kellogg, M.D. (Southern Publishing Association, 1970) PPP 252.14

Uriah Smith, “History and Future Work of Seventh-day Adventists,” (Sermon, Sabbath, October 26, 1889) PPP 252.15

Arthur W Spalding, Origin and History of Seventh-day Adventists (Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1962, vol. 1) PPP 252.16

Arthur W. Spalding, Footprints of the Pioneers (Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1947) PPP 252.17

Arthur W. Spalding, Pioneers Stories of the Second Advent Message (Southern Publishing Association, 1942 revised edition) PPP 252.18

Jean Vuileumier, “The Last Days of Elder J. N. Andrews,” Review and Herald (September 18, 1924) PPP 252.19

Jean Vuilleumier, “Early Days of the Message in Europe-No. 4,” Review and Herald (April 18, 1929) PPP 252.20

Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, No. 32 (Pacific Press Publishing Association and Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1885) PPP 253.1

Ellen G. White, Selected Messages, bk. 1 (Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1958) PPP 253.2

Ellen G. White, Life Sketches (Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1915) PPP 253.3

James White, Review and Herald (June 8, 1869) PPP 253.4

James White, Life Incidents (Steam Press of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, 1868) PPP 253.5

B. L. Whitney, “Death of Elder J. N. Andrews,” The Review and Herald (November 20, 1883) PPP 253.6