Passion, Purpose & Power


50. Prayer At The Review and Herald Office

Prayer at the Review and Herald office PPP 244.1

Everything in those early days was not totally ideal. There were problems—financial and even inter-personal. Our pioneers were not perfect. But they loved their Lord, and they loved this message. (That’s how they used to refer to this church.) PPP 244.2

In 1868 an incident occurred that showed the depth of feelings the pioneers had toward their work and toward each other. At the time, on each Sunday morning (that was back when they really believed in the fourth commandment: “Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work...!”) The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald workers met in the editor’s room for a season of prayer. Elder James White met with them on one occasion while he was recuperating from a stroke. He led out in prayer, asking God’s blessing on the publishing house, and on the REVIEW that every page be the means of saving many, and that every printer and worker might see the fruits of their labor in the new earth. As James White prayed, he broke down and wept. Elder Uriah Smith, who was the editor of the paper at the time, wrote, PPP 244.3

“For a season we all wept together in silence, save the audible sobs, and the hearty response from those present.” —Richard Hammond, Uriah Smith, p. 4; adapted from Paul A. Gordon and James R. Nix, Laughter and Tears, pp. 13, 14. PPP 245.1