Faith and Works -- Study Guide

Chapter 8 - God’s Commandment-keeping People

Portion of a sermon at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, January 19, 1889, titled “In Him Is Light.”

Published in the Review and Herald, February 26, 1889. FW-SG 19.1

125. Finish the sentence: “God’s commandment-keeping people” are those “who ought....” (59) FW-SG 19.2

FW-SG 19.3

126. Why are “God’s commandment-keeping people” not to stop receiving rich blessings from God? (59) FW-SG 19.4

127. Who are those who claim to receive blessings from God but “have no right to?” (59) FW-SG 19.5

128. “Truth and righteousness _____ be __________ with the _____ of _____ as it was __________ ___ _____.” ... “Every one of us _____ _____ on the _____ and _____ __________.” (60) FW-SG 19.6

129. What had the people been doing that put God “in a false light?” (60) FW-SG 19.7

130. How were they to reverse this? (60-61) FW-SG 19.8

131. How was the example of Moses used in this situation? (61) FW-SG 19.9

132. Give examples of what the people had NOT been doing to show God’s character. (61) FW-SG 19.10