Confrontation -- Study Guide

Plan of Redemption

24. Give Satan’s reaction after Adam and Eve fell. (16) Con-SG 7.1

25. What did he boast about to Christ and the loyal angels? (16) Con-SG 7.2

26. Who were barred from Eden? (16) Con-SG 7.3

27. What happened to the earth and to Adam? (16) Con-SG 7.4

28. Give the plan that was undertaken to redeem man and defeat Satan. (17) Con-SG 7.5

30. “In order to redeem man,” what did Christ leave behind? (17)  Con-SG 7.6

32. What did Christ impute to man that he “might overcome the foe on his own account?” (18) Con-SG 7.7

33. Who did God have on probation and have their loyalty tested? (18) Con-SG 7.8

34. Why was Satan fearful? (18-19) Con-SG 7.9

35. Write down the words that were the first promise of redemption for man and that Satan did not fully comprehend? (19) Con-SG 7.10

36. Why was Satan particularly interested in what was to happen after Adam and Eve fell? (19) Con-SG 7.11

37. Describe the new relationship that now existed between God and man since Jesus became the Redeemer. (19-20) Con-SG 7.12

38. What was Satan mistaken in concerning the relationship between God and man? (20) Con-SG 7.13

39. “Christ volunteered to maintain and vindicate the holiness of the divine law.” How did He do this? (20) Con-SG 7.14

40. What was Satan’s plan and hope now that man had fallen? (20-21) Con-SG 7.15