Confrontation -- Study Guide

Presumptuous Rashness and Intelligent Faith

243. What did Satan hope to gain by his temptations? (84-85) Con-SG 29.1

244. Why was Christ’s task to undertake the salvation of man so difficult? (85) Con-SG 29.2

245. How difficult was it for Christ to resist the temptations of Satan especially since the latter knew humanity’s weaknesses? (85) Con-SG 29.3

246. “God has given man ____________ ____________ upon ____________ of ______ and ____________; but ______ ______ ______ to ____________ him ____________ ______ ______.” (85) Con-SG 29.4

247. Give instances where God won’t work a miracle to save someone from harm. (85-86) Con-SG 29.5

248. Why was Adam’s act considered presumptuous and Eve’s not? (86) Con-SG 29.6