Confrontation -- Study Guide

Self-Indulgence in Religion’s Garb

181. Name some of the activities that professed Christians participate in that would demean the religion of Christ. (64-65) Con-SG 25.1

182. List those who would show up at such activities. (65) Con-SG 25.2

Con-SG 25.3

183. Why would Christ be unwelcome on such occasions? (65) Con-SG 25.4

184. “The ____________ of ______ ____________ ______ ______ ______ and ______ ____________ for ____________ ____________.” (65) Con-SG 25.5

185. How are professed Christians like the ancient Israelites who ate, drank, and got up to play? (66) Con-SG 25.6

186. How are we to overcome like Jesus did? (66) Con-SG 25.7

187. Give the reasons for Christ’s wilderness sufferings that affected man’s salvation. (66) Con-SG 25.8

188. What would be the reaction of Christians who disapproved of those activities named in question #181? (67) Con-SG 25.9

189. What is the lifework of the Christian? (67-68) Con-SG 25.10

190. Why should we be concerned for the youth by the example of professed Christians? (68) Con-SG 25.11

191. List the festivities that “are doing a work that will bear a record with its burden of results to the judgment.” (68) Con-SG 25.12

Con-SG 25.13

192. Why is it bad to conduct activities such as lotteries to pay for church expenses and special projects? (68) Con-SG 25.14

193. “The plain commands of God in His Word are discarded because ______ ______ ______ and ______-____________, while ______ and ______ ____________ ______ the ______ and ______ the ______.” (69) Con-SG 25.15

194. When we understand what Jesus went through in His battles with Satan, what shall we have?(69) Con-SG 25.16

195. What does Satan do in “professedly Christian gatherings?” (70) Con-SG 25.17

196. Why are the above gatherings used to support the church? What are the results upon the people who participate? (70) Con-SG 25.18

197. What “is a deplorable fact” and “a sad reality” when it comes to offerings and benevolent acts by professed Christians? (70) Con-SG 25.19

198. Why was Moses’ plan to raise means for the erection of the tabernacle very successful? (70-71) Con-SG 25.20

199. How does Christ see churches who use lotteries and the like to sustain themselves? (71) Con-SG 25.21

200. Give the responses a true Christian should have to Christ’s battles with Satan in the wilderness. (71) Con-SG 25.22

201. “Satan ____________ ______ ____________ to ______ __________________.” (72) Con-SG 25.23

202. Although Jesus took a servant’s form and was poor, what did He come to us with? (72) Con-SG 25.24

203. What would be the effects if Christ’s “lessons of instruction and His holy life” were followed? (72) Con-SG 25.25

204. “Every prohibition of God is for ______ ______ and ____________ ____________ of man.” (72-73) Con-SG 25.26

205. Why are some items practiced “under the cloak of Christianity?” (73) Con-SG 25.27

206. If all sins were completely understood, what would be the results? (73) Con-SG 25.28