Confrontation -- Study Guide

The Test of Probation

10. Why did God place man upon probation? (12) Con-SG 5.1

11. What was the first moral lesson given to Adam? (12) Con-SG 5.2

12. Give the name of the tree Adam and Eve could not eat from and why. (12) Con-SG 5.3

13. What were Eve’s thoughts when she wandered away from Adam? (12-13) Con-SG 5.4

14. What were her thoughts when she was near the forbidden tree? (13) Con-SG 5.5

15. Briefly state the serpent’s response to Eve’s statement that God had forbidden any touching or tasting of the tree in the center of the garden. (13-14) Con-SG 5.6

16. Give her thoughts after she had listened to the serpent. (14) Con-SG 5.7

17. How did Eve overstate God’s command? (14) Con-SG 5.8

19. Summarize what happened next. (14-15) Con-SG 5.9