Confrontation -- Study Guide
Significance of the Test
94. Give a description of the wilderness Jesus was in. (37) Con-SG 15.1
95. Give a description of what Jesus looked like after 40 days in the wilderness. (37) Con-SG 15.2
96. Why did Jesus enter into a life of conflict? (37) Con-SG 15.3
97. What did Christ’s humanity reach and identify with, and His divine nature grasp? (38) Con-SG 15.4
98. How was man to be reconciled to Jesus and God? (38) Con-SG 15.5
99. How did Satan appear when he came to Jesus? (38) Con-SG 15.6
100. What was Satan’s purpose for appearing the way he did? (38) Con-SG 15.7
101. Write down a summary of what he said to Jesus. (38-39) Con-SG 15.8
102. Summarize both Jesus’ plan for man and Satan’s plan for Jesus. (39) Con-SG 15.9
103. Why did Satan fake his doubt of Christ’s divinity? (39) Con-SG 15.10
104. Summarize why Satan thought he could overcome Christ with the temptation of appetite? (39-40) Con-SG 15.11