The Sanctuary and the Twenty-three Hundred Days of Daniel 8:14



ABSURDITIES arising from disconnecting
the 70 weeks and 2300 days108
A common error corrected.126
Acts 2:38, and Romans 5:11, explained.279
Alexander, death of32
Antiochus Epiphanes not symbolized by
little horn of Daniel 8.35
Antitype of candlestick193
” a tar of incense193
” golden censer193
” ark of testament193
Antitypes fulfilled on same day as types,285
Appearance of the temple.148
Atonement, false views and their results,276
” explained by the sanctuary.276
” how and when made277
” events not to be confounded,278
” not made by Satan319
Authors who adopt the year-day principle,50
Authority of Ptolemy’s Canon81
A work of Judgment must precede Christ’s
Battle of Arbela, date of32
Between the cherubim.230
Bible chronology, when assumed88
Boards of sanctuary, how arranged.114
Bottomless pit, meaning of.316
Christ’s offering general — atonement
Cleansing of the earthly sanctuary205
” ” heavenly sanctuary.245
Cleansing of sanctuary — relation to
Connection between Daniel 8, 952
Correct reading of Daniel 8:1447
Curtains of the tabernacle.116
Daniel’s prophecy of the new-covenant
Date of Christ’s baptism.84
” ” crucifixion86
David’s proposition to build the temple,143
Decrees for rebuilding Jerusalem68
Description of the Hebrew encampment120
Description of interior of the sanctuary,127
Determined, Daniel 9:24, means “cut off,”.58
Diagram of the sanctuary.122
Dimensions of the sanctuary114
Embarrassment of Advent Herald on
prophetic chronology.103
End of first 49 of the 490 years82
” the 69 weeks, or 483 years.83
Evening-morning, meaning of46
Explanation of 1 Kings 8:21151
1 Kings 8:9, harmonized with Hebrews 9:4,151
Forgiveness conditional, illustrated280
Four kingdoms of goat33
Furniture of the sanctuary.121
God not confined to one locality231
God’s throne a living throne232
” ” first seen in the first
apartment of the heavenly sanctuary.233
Has the world always had a mediator?238
Hebrews 9:1-5, examined112
Herod’s temple172
History of the tabernacle after the
destruction of Shiloh138
History of the ark in the hands of the
How Christ bears the sins of the world245
How and when Christ confesses the names
of his people.260
“In the side of the ark,” meaning of151
Length of Christ’s ministry85
Location of Gilgal and Shiloh.133
” the temple.145
” the true sanctuary189
Macedonia, when conquered37
Men of Beth-shemesh smitten for looking
into the ark.140
Ministration of the earthly sanctuary.197
” ” heavenly sanctuary214
Mystery of God, definition of.272
” ” when and how finished.272
Nothing in Heaven that needs cleansing,200
Object of ministration in both dispensa-
Order and number of tribes around the
Paul’s conclusion respecting priesthood
of Christ214
Peculiarity of periods commencing before
and ending after Christ93
Persian supremacy, date of.31
Position of “our opponents,”.105
Probation continues during atonement289
Provision made for all.243
Ptolemy’s canon.81
Remarkable events occurring at the
Revelation 10:7 explained269
Rome symbolized by little horn of Daniel 8,37
Satan’s rival sanctuaries195
Satan bound.314
Salvation offered during cleansing of
Scape-goat not a type of Christ.308
Scape-goat a type of Satan.310
Seven last plagues-cannot fall while we
have a mediator299
Seven last plagues-connection with
sanctuary work300
Seven last plagues-future and literal.301
” ” ” —described302
“Shall be cleansed” means to begin the
Shiloh, the figure of utter destruction,137
Sins not punished twice323
Sins of righteous fall at last on Satan,324
Sins transferred to the heavenly
State of Israel at call of Samuel.134
Strength of sanctuary movement268
Superiority of Christ’s priesthood240
Symbolic Euphrates, Turkey, dried up303
Syria, when conquered37
Termination of five prophetic periods.97
Terms used by David, Habakkuk, John,
Zechariah, Jeremiah, and Paul to
describe the sanctuary.192
Testimony of Dionysius to the darkness at
the crucifixion of Christ87
The sanctuary described113
” ” date of erection129
” ” date of entrance into
promised land.133
The sanctuary not the earth183
” ” not the land of Canaan186
” ” not the church187
” ” of the new covenant.181
” ” how trodden under foot194
” ” cleansed with blood. Paul’s
The sanctuary in Heaven has two holy
The two apartments of the sanctuary.115
The court of the tabernacle118
The table of show-bread124
The altar of incense.124
The golden censer125
The ark of the covenant125
The mercy-seat, its form and use126
The Shekinah, where manifested127
The ark of God taken.136
The ark in the house of Obed-edom.142
The sanctuary offered by Ezekiel
The new-covenant sanctuary.181
The true the antitype of the earthly181
The earth not the sanctuary183
The land of Canaan not the sanctuary186
The church not the sanctuary187
The two goats on day of atonement.207
The scape-goat209
The forgiveness of sin, what?211
The heavenly sanctuary has two holy
The sanctuary to be cleansed not
Palestine nor Jerusalem. Illustration,250
The subject of the sanctuary the only one
which provides for the necessary
preliminary investigative Judgment
before Christ comes257
The books examined.259
The Father takes a new position when the
cleansing of the sanctuary commences,234
The tenth day of the seventh month283
The atonement, not the day of atonement,
The temple built after a pattern144
” ” called “the sanctuary,”145
” ” date of building146
” ” dedication of.154
” ” taken by Shishak156
” ” repaired by Jehoash157
” ” robbed by Ahaz157
” ” repaired by Hezekiah.157
” ” profaned by Manasseh.157
” ” repaired by Josiah.158
” ” forsaken by God.158
” ” plundered by Nebuchadnezzar,160
The temple destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar,161
“” rebuilt.168
“” things wanting in second.168
“” rebuilt by Herod172
“” finally left desolate and
The new covenant, how confirmed.180
The ark of God seen by the church.264
The ten lost tribes167
The last plague universal304
The end of sin322
The way prepared for Revelation 5:13 to be
Thirteen witnesses to date of crucifixion88
Time during which the sanctuary abode in
Time when the temple of God was opened,262
Two vails to the tabernacle and sanctuary226
Type and antitype compared.191
Universalism and eternal torment shut out328
Urim and Thummim, meaning of171
Uzzah, why slain for steadying the ark,141
Vails of the sanctuary.121
Value of the golden candlestick.123
Vessels for temple service.149
Vision, length of, Daniel 845
What constituted the commandment76
What became of the first tabernacle.150
What became of the ark.169
What offerings transferred sins to
Where the ministry in Heaven commenced,215
When Christ comes to Ancient of days235
Why the ark is still called the ark of
“His testament,”264
Within the vail, Hebrews 6:19, 20, explained,221
Work of the sanctuary inspired127
Year-day principle.45