Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 23 (1908)

Lt 356, 1908

Crawford, Marion Stowell

St. Helena, California

December 13, 1908

Portions of this letter are published in 7MR 196-197; 8MR 21, 103; 6Bio 182.

Dear Sister Marion Stowell-Crawford:

I have just read your letter. I was glad to hear from you, but sorry to learn that you are so afflicted. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 1

My family just now is quite small, numbering in all only five members. My cook and matron is an excellent Christian woman whom we met one year ago at Loma Linda. She had overworked and had somewhat broken down in health; but we find that she does our housework very nicely, and we all appreciate her for her excellent qualities. She is a lady in every respect. The other members of my family are Miss McEnterfer, my nurse, and Minnie Hawkins and Helen Graham, workers in the office. Sara McEnterfer travels with me when I am called to leave home; and when at home, she is general caretaker and helps me by answering many letters. Minnie Hawkins is engaged in preparing my manuscripts. Minnie worked for me some years in Cooranbong, Australia; and after her mother’s death, I wrote to her, asking her to unite once more with my work. Sister Helen Graham has been with us for several years. She is W. C. White’s stenographer and is excellent help in the office. We live together very pleasantly as a family and would not like to spare any member. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 2

Brother James, my farmer, came from Australia in response to my call to take charge of my place here. We regard him as a treasure, and his wife is just as highly prized. They have eleven children, the two eldest of whom are at College View and doing well. The children are carefully trained at home, and most excellent discipline is maintained. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 3

W. C. White’s house is close by us. Willie has an excellent wife and four children. The two eldest boys Henry and Herbert and Gracie are attending the church school, which is only a few rods from their home. The youngest boy Arthur is about fourteen months old. He is a bright, healthy little fellow. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 4

Ella May White Robinson has been married over three years. For a time both she and her husband were engaged in the work of teaching. But W. C. White needed her husband’s help in the office here, so for two years he has been connected with my work. Dores Robinson has been a licentiate for several years and spends each Sabbath speaking to some neighboring church or company. We have held on to him, because he is well adapted for the work of preparing my manuscripts for the press; but he will soon engage more fully in the work of the ministry. They have a child about one year old. He is a bright little lad. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 5

From one of the windows of the room where I spend most of my time during the day, I can look out on the office where the workers are busy from morning till night. From another window I see the little cottage, a few steps from my house, where Sister Steward and her daughter live. Miss Mary Steward is one of my staff of workers. In the office each worker has a separate room, for in almost every room a typewriter is being run. In addition to the workers I have named, we have Mr. Mason, my bookkeeper, and Brother Crisler, who does important work in connection with the work in general. Willie has the oversight of all. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 6

For a while we had working with us Brother Forga, a Spanish gentleman who married May White’s sister. He was working on the translation of my writings into Spanish. He is now working in Mountain View along the same lines. His wife is studying the Spanish language and helping her husband. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 7

Now I have given you quite a little sketch of my family and workers. We are not always so few in number as at present. Last summer Elder Caviness was with us for several months, engaged with Mr. Forga in Spanish translations. For ten years Brother Caviness has been laboring in Mexico and was to return there to his family when his work here was finished. We were glad of the privilege of having him with us. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 8

I am still busy with my writings, and I praise the Lord that He gives me strength to continue my work so steadily. My hand is firm, as it has been ever since the Lord first directed me to write. Then my trembling hand was made strong and firm, and the Lord has kept it so. I have reason to thank the Lord with heart and soul and voice that my mind is clear and that I am still able to use pen and voice in His service. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 9

In regard to means, I can assure you that whatever you can let us have to help in the work will be safe, and the interest due will be paid. We would be glad to have more means just now in helping to get out the books that should come before the people. We have much new matter which ought to be published, that the light that has been given me may be made known. Whatever you can give to help in this work will be greatly appreciated. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 10

Again, there is Paradise Valley. This too is safe, I can assure you; and any interest you manifest in a practical way will be a wonderful help. But I will leave this matter with you, to help or not, as you can. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 11

My son, no doubt, has told you of the school soon to be established at Sonoma. I am so thankful that we are to have this place for our school. I shall want you to come down and see it when it will be convenient for you to do so. I expect that place will be my home for a time; for I shall want to be there to help where I can with counsel and judgment. I hope the Lord will permit me to see this school established firmly and on right lines. I fully believe that time is very short. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 12

In speaking of my family, I had almost forgotten to mention Mabel White. She married a man whom we all respect, Wilfred Workman. They are happily suited in their marriage and are now at Washington, D.C., attending school. Mabel is acting as matron, and both are obtaining a valuable education. In her baby life, Mabel was afflicted with a tumor on one of her eyes, and she does not see much from that eye. She is now twenty-three years old, and the Lord is blessing her and her husband and giving them a good experience. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 13

May Walling, my niece, whom I brought up from a child of three and a half years old, is now in the St. Helena Sanitarium and is doing excellent work. Addie her sister is married, and her first child is about one year old. She has a good husband. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 14

If the Lord spares my life, and indicates that it is my duty to go, I shall attend the General Conference to be held in Washington the coming Spring. I wish that you could be there. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 15

I feel so sorry to hear of your physical suffering. I cannot understand why you should be so greatly afflicted; but we can trust the Lord as One who knows what is best for us all. Let us hold the beginning of our confidence firm unto the end. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 16

I am not suffering physically, but I am often bowed down with weariness and sorrow of heart as I see those who have departed from the faith working out such a sad experience. I am deeply grieved as I compare the present history of these souls with what their past has been—more grieved than words can express. That the same fountain should send forth sweet water and bitter, that the vine which has borne grapes should now yield wild grapes, this brings pain to my heart and sadness to my soul. And the end is near, the end when truth alone will triumph. O that the truth as it is in Jesus may be planted in the heart by the Holy Spirit, and daily tended there by the grace of God. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 17

I will now close this lengthy letter. I have tried to give you a little of our history, thinking you would be interested in it. Be of good courage. May the Lord bless and guide you and encourage you day by day to hold fast the beginning of your confidence firm unto the end. 23LtMs, Lt 356, 1908, par. 18