Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 21 (1906)


Lt 236, 1906

Gibbs, Brother

St. Helena, California

July 10, 1906

Previously unpublished.

Dr. Gibbs

Dear Brother:

I have just received a letter from Brother Stephen Belden of Norfolk Island. He is afflicted with a cancer. Brother Alfred Nobbs, the elder of the Norfolk Island church, has also been afflicted with what appeared to be a cancer. He went to Sydney, and his face and head were badly cut in removing the cancer. But he received little help, and he still continues to suffer greatly. 21LtMs, Lt 236, 1906, par. 1

Brother Stephen Belden has a cancer on his ear. I thought that if you would send him powders at once, with directions for their use, Brother Belden and Brother Nobbs might both be benefited by their use. 21LtMs, Lt 236, 1906, par. 2

Will you kindly respond by sending the powders as soon as you receive this letter? 21LtMs, Lt 236, 1906, par. 3

I am not well today, so cannot write much. I will send you this line, hoping that you will send the powders. 21LtMs, Lt 236, 1906, par. 4