Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 21 (1906)


Lt 178, 1906

Prescott, Brother and Sister [W. W.]

St. Helena, California

June 13, 1906

Previously unpublished.

Dear Brother and Sister Prescott:

I will try to write you a letter now. I have begun several to you, but have been unable to finish them, my mind being much burdened on account of affairs in Battle Creek. This burden is very taxing, and my words, you know, must be measured very precisely. 21LtMs, Lt 178, 1906, par. 1

There is nothing I can write, except that minds have invented questionable theories whereby the truth has been evaded. Wrong theories have been brought before minds and false representations made by the one who has been studying for years to bring in the very science that caused the fall of Adam and Eve. These subterfuges confuse minds, and they do not discern that Satan is introduced and is taking advantage to play the game of life for their souls. 21LtMs, Lt 178, 1906, par. 2

I have been writing early and late; at the same time I have had the influenza, and my head is very much congested. Yet I have had to be prepared to meet the objections that come in. Some nights I have slept but little and have been up in the early hours of the morning. But my head has now come to the point where it must rest. My eyes cause me pain, and I must cease this continual writing. I have been overworking of late; this is my apology for not writing to you all in Washington more frequently. 21LtMs, Lt 178, 1906, par. 3

This morning I rode out through the country and slept on the way. This afternoon I have written about ten pages. My head says, Stop. I invite your prayers. 21LtMs, Lt 178, 1906, par. 4

May God bless you. 21LtMs, Lt 178, 1906, par. 5

In love. 21LtMs, Lt 178, 1906, par. 6