Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 20 (1905)


Lt 361, 1905

Druillard, Sister

“Elmshaven,” St. Helena, California

December 14, 1905

Previously unpublished.

Dear Sister Druillard,—

I express to you my pleasure that Dr. Hayward has decided to locate the sanitarium on the Madison site. 20LtMs, Lt 361, 1905, par. 1

I have, I think, never carried as sad a heart as I have for months. These have been the most sorry days of my life. But I have cast myself wholly on the Lord. He will be my helper and my God. I have been pleased that you were in connection with Professors Magan and Sutherland on the 400-acre farm. It is just the spot the students should be, and the two institutions need the help of each. It is just as the Lord would have it. Your association will be a great blessing if you will have perfect faith and sincere trust. 20LtMs, Lt 361, 1905, par. 2

The time has come when our people will be called to come over on the side of the Lord. We have no more time to be uncertain. If the Lord be God, serve Him; if Baal, then serve him. I am just full of important writing, and [am] making selections from things I have testified to and immortalized in the published testimonies over the last fifty years. Does anyone suppose I could go back on this matter that has been established by the Holy Spirit’s power in healing the sick and restoring life to the dying? I send this to you that you may know that I am on the Lord’s side. 20LtMs, Lt 361, 1905, par. 3

[Handwritten note at top of page:] Please hand this to Sister Druillard. 20LtMs, Lt 361, 1905, par. 4