Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 20 (1905)


Lt 359, 1905

White, W. C.

“Elmshaven” St. Helena, California

December 7, 1905

Previously unpublished.

W. C. White,—

I had a good night’s rest last night, and this morning I have been very busy since three o’clock. I can’t think of leaving my home and my workers; I must be with them. I see [that] now is my opportunity, especially when yourself is not here. 20LtMs, Lt 359, 1905, par. 1

I will now make my decision that here is my place, with my workers. Much more can be done with myself in my work and them as faithful workers to advise with and to select the writings that have been published and what [should] be brought before the people to refresh their minds. We need much more of the Holy Spirit of God, and we want the blessing of God to attend all our labors. I shall press the work forward, only under the Lord’s direction. We must now be very careful in regard to our own spiritual condition. 20LtMs, Lt 359, 1905, par. 2

I believe the Lord will strengthen and preserve you on your journey. I would not lay out your work; for you are on the ground, and you know what is best to be done. We must watch on the right hand and on the left, but we are [to] keep on the gospel shoes and the whole armor of righteousness. We need the love of God in our hearts, and [we must] cherish true faith. The Lord will never disappoint us; and we need not doubt, but press forward in hope and in courage want the truth, living truth, deeply engraved upon the tables of our heart; and let us render grateful thanks to God. Our prayers should be seasoned with thanksgiving and praise [to] His holy name. 20LtMs, Lt 359, 1905, par. 3

We have much to be thankful for. I am so glad that I can be privileged to feel free to remain at home this winter. We have had three showers, that is all—not long ones, but a few hours. It is very pleasant, mild weather and does not seem to be winter. 20LtMs, Lt 359, 1905, par. 4

And now will you tell me what you think of my plan of remaining away from all meetings and devoting my strength to my writings? I will be so thankful if I can do this. But if I break up now, I cannot expect but to lose my opportunity to do a work I desire to do. 20LtMs, Lt 359, 1905, par. 5

The noon whistle has sounded. I send this without copying. I hope you can read it. I would be pleased to have you see May Walling and Addie Walling, [so] that you can drop a few lines to me in regard to them. I very much would be pleased to have May, if she can fill the bill, go to Loma Linda or to Washington San. Will you find out what is her purpose? I have not written to Addie or May, for I know not what plan is best to enter into, and yet I do not feel clear. They are as my children. 20LtMs, Lt 359, 1905, par. 6

Willie, will you be sure and get you good woollen stockings that you can wear at night, to keep your feet and limbs warm. Also get good woollen socks for day wear. I do not want you to go with cold feet, and this sends the blood to your head. 20LtMs, Lt 359, 1905, par. 7

I will now close this letter, for it is almost dinner time. 20LtMs, Lt 359, 1905, par. 8