Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 18 (1903)


Lt 305, 1903



Circa 1903

Previously unpublished.

I now address you _____: 18LtMs, Lt 305, 1903, par. 1

You are not keeping the seventh commandment and you have led souls astray. God has a reckoning with you. Do you not know how your wife at times has nearly lost the balance of her mind because of your course of action with more than one? You are standing guilty before God. Every work is to be brought into judgment; and you, standing at the head in a sanitarium, you will take the lead in leading the ones who suppose you are true and good and righteous. 18LtMs, Lt 305, 1903, par. 2

But what shall I call it—taking advantage of your girls and pretending they need treatment and taking them into your office and what kind of treatment did you give them? Now I am so distressed at the scenes that have been presented to me that at Oakland I would not trust myself to give a public rebuke, for I did not want the world to know the things I do know. 18LtMs, Lt 305, 1903, par. 3

You are acting as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Are you surprised that I did not give the whole history of your diseased life? I know your course of action and shall, when I can be free, say the things you do not think I will venture to say; but the time will come when they will understand. 18LtMs, Lt 305, 1903, par. 4