Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 16 (1901)


Lt 216, 1901

Crisler, C. C.

Boulder, Colorado

May 12, 1901

Previously unpublished.

Dear Brother Crisler,—

We leave Boulder on the morrow at two a.m. We had our appointment out and therefore could not connect with cars. We will go in private carriage to Denver. I wish to say a few words to you with my pen. We shall expect you will meet us at Oakland. You will come when Miss Peck and Mrs. Nelson shall come. We shall depend on you to take hold with our company of workers, and we shall push through our writings as fast as possible. 16LtMs, Lt 216, 1901, par. 1

I feel free in accepting your convictions of duty to connect with us. We need your help, and again I feel very sure that unless you have some change in the typewriting you will suffer healthwise. I wish your health shall be preserved, and I am making all dependence upon you. I write to let you understand this so that Elder Daniells can secure help from Battle Creek or some other place. 16LtMs, Lt 216, 1901, par. 2

The Lord has sustained me wonderfully on this journey. Good is the Lord and greatly to be praised. I have reason to praise the Lord that He has greatly blessed me on this journey. Our meetings have all been good, and the Lord has given me a testimony for His people. 16LtMs, Lt 216, 1901, par. 3

I am hoping you will not apply yourself too closely to your writings. This close use of the typewriter is not the best thing to keep one in health. 16LtMs, Lt 216, 1901, par. 4

I am thankful to the Lord for His goodness and great love to His people. 16LtMs, Lt 216, 1901, par. 5