Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 16 (1901)


Lt 76, 1901

Davis, [N. A.]

Oakland, California

July 10, 1901

Portions of this letter are published in ML 28.

Dear brother Davis,—

You have been on my mind as one who was greatly disturbed and perplexed. May the Lord help you. Satan would be glad if you would give soul, body, and spirit into his cruel hands. But do not let any words that may be unwisely spoken to one who is trying to do the will of God discourage you. Keep close to the Scriptures. The more you search and explain the Word, the more your mind and heart will be fortified with the blessed words of encouragement and promise. May the Lord give you wisdom to think more decidedly upon Jesus Christ, whose hand is always within your reach, to uplift, to strengthen, and to save to the uttermost all who will come unto Him. My heart is full of pity and the love of God toward you. The Lord has thoughts of mercy toward you. Man may make mistakes in judging his fellow man, but the Lord never errs. 16LtMs, Lt 76, 1901, par. 1

I am troubled in soul on your account. The word of the Lord from me to you is, Speak the gospel-truth to others; minister in Word and doctrine. God will give you His presence if you do not cast yourself on the enemy’s side. Cling to the Mighty One. With all your powers cling. This is your only help. You and your wife have been trying hard to be free. May God help you, unitedly, both for your own sake and the sake of your children. 16LtMs, Lt 76, 1901, par. 2