Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 10 (1895)


Ms 1, 1895

Diary/The Australian Camp Meeting

Ashfield, Australia

January 14, 1895 [typed]

Portions of this manuscript are published in 2MR 45-46; 4MR 103-104; 9MR 146; 4Bio 167-168, 170, 176-177.

The Australian camp meeting of Seventh-day Adventists was held this year in a pleasant grove at Ashfield, a very attractive suburb of Sydney. The weather was fine throughout the camp meeting, and we thoroughly enjoyed our sojourn in the tents. They were arranged in regular village-like order, with streets named after the reformers, in the manner of our American camps, and called forth much interested and favorable comment from the thousands of strangers who visited us from the city and vicinity. This manner of gathering is entirely novel to the people, and they expressed great surprise that tents could be made so comfortable and look so pretty. Some of the campers brought their cook stoves and had their tents so arranged that in passing by, one could see the neatly and bountifully set tables, the white beds, and attractive sitting rooms. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 1

Those who tented upon the ground were certainly comfortable in their tents, but visitors were not forgotten. Provision was also made for the entertainment of those who came upon the ground, and many expressed their appreciation of the reception tent and the dining tent, at which they could be served with palatable meals. The culinary arrangements were under the supervision of Brother and Sister Semmons, who have lately arrived here from the Sanitarium. The tables were very neat, covered with white oilcloth, and set with china, crockery, and glassware. The cleanliness, order, and taste of the arrangements added relish to the good meals served. The book tent displayed the usual assortment of our publications and attracted much attention. The large meeting pavilion was rarely commodious enough to accommodate the people who thronged the services. They were assured of welcome by a large sign over the gate, on which was printed, “Whosoever will, let him come.” [See Revelation 22:17.] On Saturday and Sunday, and during the evenings of the week, the grounds were thronged with interested spectators. The people listened in rapt attention to discourses on the coming of Christ, spiritualism, theosophy, the third angel’s message, the love of God, temperance, practical Godliness, and themes especially related to our time. The principal speakers were Pastors Corliss, Daniells, Cole, Colcord, Hare, Baker, and Mrs. E. G. White. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 2

Another attractive feature of the camp was the children’s meetings. The lessons were conducted by Brother Teasdale, and Sisters Goodey and Bolton. The morning study was devoted to characters in the Old Testament; in the afternoon the life of Christ was the theme of consideration. These lessons were illustrated by a blackboard, maps, and object lessons. The children were taught songs in harmony with the lessons, which they seemed thoroughly to enjoy, and the Spirit of the Lord touched many of their hearts. Between the forenoon and the afternoon meetings they were taken out to the woods nearby and given lessons from nature. It was a pretty sight to see the children quietly marching to and from the woods. There was a large attendance of children from outside who came regularly to the meetings, and many parents expressed their pleasure that their children were so thoroughly interested and profited by the meetings. On Sabbath the adult members of the tent met in classes in the large pavilion to study their Sabbath school lessons, while the children were accommodated in the children’s tent, as far as possible, and the overflow were taken to three other tents prepared for the purpose. The infant division was made the more interesting by the use of kindergarten object lessons. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 3

There were revival services held during the last two Sabbaths of the camp, and while many adults went forward for prayers, the number of children who went forward far exceeded them. There were over fifty children who gave evidence of earnestness and sincerity in seeking Christ. The interest the people manifested was very gratifying, and many requested that the services should not close with the close of the camp meeting. On account of the interest, the large tent was pitched in a pleasant location nearer the center of the town, and Brethren Corliss and McCullagh, with a corps of workers, have been ministering to the people since the camp meeting. About twenty have signed the covenant, and the interest is still increasing. There has been much opposition manifested by the ministers of the various churches in the place, and several have preached strongly against us. On a challenge by a Mr. Picton, a Campbellite minister, a debate was conducted for six nights between himself and Elder Corliss. During the debate it was evident that the majority of those in attendance could see on which side truth was. It is also evident from the attitude of our opponents that they still think there is a battle to fight; for the ministers are still preaching against us. In spite of their efforts we hope that the Lord will raise up a good church in this place, and give victory to the truth. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 4

October 19, 1894

This is the first meeting of the camp meeting proper. I was present at the morning meeting and united in prayer and bore my testimony to the people; and the Lord let His blessing rest upon me. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 5

October 20, [1894]

I attended the morning meeting, and my soul was drawn out in humble, earnest prayer to my heavenly Father that He would impart His grace to ministers and people. There is an absence of love for God and for each other among the people. We do not realize that experience of sweet communion and fellowship that we would like. There is a rebellion against God’s holy authority and control, and humility has departed from the church. When the people feel their weakness, they will realize their sinfulness and make manifest their appreciation of the infinite loveliness of Jesus. They will see their own selfishness and appreciate Christ’s beneficence. He loves fallen humanity, He loves His enemies—Jesus is meek and lowly in heart. He is condescending, and in pity and tenderness reaches down toward the most oppressed. He is patient, kind, full of simplicity. O, what goodness is expressed in His love, what purity of motive, what depths of holy affection! The lower we lie in humility, the more clearly we shall discern the purity and loveliness of Jesus and see Him as One to be admired and adored. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 6

In this morning’s meeting the Lord gave me the spirit of supplication. I believed He would answer my prayers and verify His promises. I have faith that the Lord will reveal Himself to us in this meeting. At the afternoon meeting there were a greater number out than I expected to see. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 7

October 21, [1894]

There is a great weight resting upon my soul that at times makes me very sorrowful. I cannot understand what will be the result of the circumstances in which we are placed. I spoke in the early morning meeting, but I am sure the Lord will not reveal His power in the midst of us unless there is a decided change in the sentiments and feelings of our ministering brethren. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 8

In the night season I am in conversation with our ministers, speaking under the influence of the Spirit of God, and pointing out the necessity of having a deep and earnest work done in each individual, in order that we may experience the deep movings of the Spirit of God. We have a truth that is powerful and efficient. It is the Word of the living God, a sword that cuts both ways; but the spirit of meekness is not cherished in the souls of the workers. The truth is not sanctifying the soul, bringing even the thoughts into subjection to Christ. Those who have had great light need to walk in the light that is given them. Our ministers, to whom are entrusted solemn responsibilities, cannot act out their natural traits of character and yet be ensamples to the flock of God. The man who is a teacher of the truth, who is bearing the last message of mercy to our world, must work in Christ’s lines, adopt Christ’s maxims, and be imbued with [His] Spirit, or else he will lead souls astray by his spirit and words and example. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 9

The precious, sacred truth must not be mingled with selfish ideas and high opinions of self, for the truth will not then be presented as it is in Jesus. Let each one consider these questions: Do I love God supremely, and my neighbor as myself? do I exalt my ideas and opinions as though they needed no modifying? Do I practice humility as well as talk it? 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 10

October 26, [1894]

I went into the morning meeting under a great burden and bore a decided testimony to the ministers to the effect that they manifested so little love for one another. I told them that it was not possible for God to place His signature upon the work unless His workers had tender regard one for another. I pointed out the fact to them that there was great need among them of humility, kindness, and love. The Lord helped me to make these matters plain. After breakfast I met with the ministers in the reception tent, and bore to them a decided testimony, addressing them by name. One after another made confession and with tears clasped each others’ hands. The Spirit of the Lord came into the meeting, and our hearts were all melted down. A purer and holier atmosphere came into our meeting. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 11

It is the exhibition of selfishness and distrust that destroys confidence. Some express constant fear and manifest a lack of confidence in their brethren by their attitude, if not in their words. There is strife for supremacy, and it is not only a great offense to God but a great source of weakness to our churches. After this work of confession had been done, love and tenderness were expressed one for another, and the Lord put His signature upon the meeting. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 12

I attended the meeting in which the young people were assembled and bore my testimony. There were about seventy-five young men and women assembled. The Lord gave me words to speak, which I am sure will profit those who heard and will practice them. We then had a testimony meeting in which many precious and encouraging testimonies were borne. In the afternoon I spoke in the large tent. Many expressed an earnest desire to see their friends and relatives converted and requested prayers in their behalf. I spoke from 1 John 3:1-4. The Spirit of the Lord was upon me. The congregation was large. Many unbelievers were present and listened with close attention. In the afternoon Elder Corliss spoke with much power, and seventy-five came forward for prayers, while twelve decided to be baptized. In the evening Elder Daniells preached upon the Sabbath question with great clearness. This was a precious day to the whole encampment. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 13

Sunday, October 28, [1894]

This morning Elder Corliss preached a powerful discourse. Christ says, “Without me ye can do nothing.” [John 15:5.] When men are out of self and in Jesus, then He speaks through human agents. Those who have newly come to the faith were fully settled in regard to the duty of being baptized. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 14

At three p.m. I spoke to a large audience from the words, “I am the vine, ye are the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit, for without me ye can do nothing.” [Verse 5.] The Lord gave me much freedom. I dwelt particularly on the duty of parents, presenting before them their obligations to educate and train their children in such a way that they might be fitted for this life and for the future immortal life. They should train their children to understand that every power and capability is entrusted to them of God to be employed for the blessing of humanity, in co-operating with God in doing His service. They are to work in Christ’s lines, to uplift humanity by precept and example, living out the will of God as expressed in His holy law. They are to educate their children in righteous principles in order that they may educate others. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 15

Business interests, social endearment, ease, honor, reputation, every capability we possess is to be held in subjection to the superior, ever paramount claims of God. The exercise of true faith in obedience to God will bring to us abundant compensation, both in this life and in the future immortal life. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 16

Christ says, “There is no man that hath left houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands; for my sake, and the gospel’s, but he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.” [Mark 10:29, 30.] The great Apostle Paul did not consider that he had made any sacrifice when he exchanged Phariseeism for the gospel of Jesus Christ. He turned away from popularity, from positions of honor, from ambitious preferment, to the service of Christ with all its trials and humiliations. He had thought that in persecuting the saints he was doing God service, but Christ arrested him, showing him that his zeal was not according to knowledge. When he found he was in the wrong path, he turned from this course, and, according to divine knowledge, he linked himself with the people that he had before thought worthy only of persecution. He had thought that he must wipe them from the earth, and had hailed them before judges, and was exceeding bitter against them because he supposed he was doing God service. But when the Lord told him that he was persecuting Him in the person of His saints, he bound himself to Christ and at last suffered martyrdom for His sake. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 17

October 28, [1894]

The work of God is going on, the working of His Spirit has been manifested in connection with a case that has come to our knowledge. There is a brother here who has lately become a Seventh-day Adventist, whose wife has bitterly opposed him. Brother Martin persuaded her to allow one of the children to come upon the ground. Sister Davis, who had already taken in a young lady by the name of Florence Bellamy, who suffered much opposition at home, also took in Mr. Martin’s little girl and gave her sleeping accommodation in her tent. She was in hopes of reaching the mother, and last Sunday Mrs. Martin came with her husband to the discourse in the afternoon. The children returned to their home, but Mrs. Martin was persuaded to remain. After hearing some of the discourses, Mrs. Martin was overwhelmed with deep conviction and cried aloud in soul agony. She was assisted from the meeting tent and entreated Sister Davis to pray for her. After a severe struggle, she found peace and rest in Christ by entirely surrendering herself to His will. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 18

We thank God with heart and soul and voice that Sister Martin is a converted woman. Christ has revealed Himself to her in a marked manner, and it is a miracle of God’s mercy that the lost sheep has been found. She seemed to have a distinct knowledge of her condition and sincerely repented of her stubborn resistance against the truth and of her opposition against her husband. The lost sheep is found and brought back to the fold with rejoicing; there is more joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth than over ninety and nine who feel that they need no repentance. I welcomed this precious soul to my dining tent and assured her that she was to consider herself a member of our family. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 19

The Lord Jesus is in our assembly. The ever-present agency of the Holy Spirit is striving with minds, and causing the people to attend the meetings. O that every worker may hide in Christ! There is a wealthy invalid man who lives near by who has a noble wife and three beautiful daughters. He has been much troubled for fear he would lose all that he possessed, but he says the Lord has favored him, and has tided him over his present difficulties. Himself and family were on the ground during the entire day Sunday. Elder Israel and his daughter have visited them at their home. They appear to be genuine Christians, as far as they have had light, and we pray that the Lord will strengthen him that he may attend these meetings. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 20

The man who has brought the lumber which we have used on the ground, has favored us in every possible way. He has attended the meetings and is now convinced of the truth. He is a local minister, and he says that he has tried to get the Ashfield people to attend the church, but he could not persuade them to do so. The very people for whom he has been anxious are now attending our meetings, and you could not get them to remain away. Several are under deep conviction and the interest grows. In conversation with him, Brother Corliss told him that we designed moving the tent to another locality. He remarked that he himself and many others would be sorry to see the tent moved. He also said, “I am with you: for you have the truth.” 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 21

October 29, [1894]

We have been very busy getting off the American mail. It is certain that it is now time to work in the interests of the people in Sydney. This field needs to be worked, and a mission home and meeting house will have to be built in Sydney. We believe that the Lord will provide money and men for this work. I am willing to work decidedly in this vicinity and appropriate means to this field as God shall put it into my hands. It is necessary that we be much engaged in prayer in order that God may teach us how to present the truth as it is in Jesus, and not in a controversial way. In our weakness God will make known His strength. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 22

October 31, [1894]

This afternoon I spoke to a large congregation upon the text, “Ye are the light of the world.” [Matthew 5:14.] There were not a few noble women in the audience, and they listened with deep interest. The Lord gave me freedom to speak upon experimental godliness. Elder Corliss then announced that he would give a Bible reading, and many remained and asked questions. The subject was, “The Coming of the Lord.” When he asked if they would be pleased to have another Bible reading at the same hour on the following day, all hands were instantly raised. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 23

November 1, [1894]

I arose at three o’clock this morning, had a precious season of prayer, and commenced to write. The day is pleasant, and we hope for growth in interest in the meetings. We must have Jesus with us today. We hope that many souls will be able to say, “The darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.” [1 John 2:8.] 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 24

Sister Daniells came to my room just now and brought a letter she had received from Sister Hannah from Williamstown, Melbourne. I will copy a few lines from her letter. “Now a word about your meetings. We have heard reports about the success that is attending your camp meeting. We do praise the Lord for it, and may many poor souls that attend out of curiosity be brought to accept the truth as I was. I never was so happy in my life as I now am, and I do pray the dear Lord to make me strong in Him and keep me faithful, that when He comes I may be found to be an overcomer. I do wish I was with you, especially to hear Sister White. I think it is my privilege to call her my spiritual mother. If I had not gone to the meetings out of curiosity, I would not have been the happy woman I am today. I often feel I would like to see Sister White and speak to her. I may have the opportunity some time. We are slowly increasing in numbers. Our Sabbathkeepers number thirty-eight, and our Sabbath school sixty-nine. I pray God to bring more brethren to help us. We are thankful to have such a good elder as we now have. He is excellent and energetic. We have missionary meetings on Tuesday nights now, and they are very profitable. My dear husband likes them. I am certainly blessed in having so good and kind a husband. I daily pray that the dear Lord will bless him and bring him into the fold before it is too late.” 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 25

When I was in Melbourne, I spoke several times in Williamstown. People were circulating Elder Canright’s book that is full of misrepresentation. The Lord gave me perfect liberty in speaking to the people, and His power sustained me. The last Sunday afternoon the meeting was in a large hall, and it was well filled with interested hearers. I bore the testimony given me of God with great clearness. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 26

This was the first meeting that Sister Hannah had attended. She was convicted and surrendered all to God. She is a tall, noble-looking woman with a fair countenance. She was a very proud woman, fond of fashion and display and gave herself up to amusement in an unstinted way. Her mother had received the truth, but the daughter could not be prevailed upon to attend the meetings. She finally came to hear what Mrs. White would have to say, and the Holy Spirit made the word effectual in reaching her heart and drawing her to the Saviour. Her conversion was a miracle of God’s mercy and the truth wrought a decided change in her character. Vanity, pride, selfish indulgence and extravagance, all ceased when she was born again, and began a new life in Christ. The mother rejoices over this remarkable change; for they are now united in their religious faith. Sister Hannah’s husband is a noble man. He does not oppose her, but attends the meetings, and it is hoped he will be converted to the truth. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 27

Today a painful railroad accident has occurred between Parramatta and Sydney. One car telescoped another. Twenty persons were wounded and one person killed. Later news reports nine deaths. We should be warned by such occurrences and be sure that we have a good hope in Christ. If our lives are hid with Christ in God, we shall not be surprised in an unprepared condition. In the morning papers there is an account of the wreck of the Wairarapa. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 28

The steamer ran onto an island. They left Sydney October 24 with a large passenger list, and under ordinary circumstances they would have reached Auckland on Monday; but the vessel was wrecked, and one hundred and thirty-four lives were lost, including Captain McIntosh and most of the vessel’s crew. The following cable report has been received: “The Wairarapa became a total wreck on Sunday night.” I have sailed on this steamer several times and was acquainted with the captain and the stewardess. There is no safety for any of us except in God. Today we have reports of disaster by sea and by land, and calamities at this time are constantly increasing. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 29

November 2, [1894]

It is thought best to close meetings on this ground next Sunday night and pitch the tent in another locality a few miles from this place. God has given us His Holy Spirit on this encampment, and we praise His name for it. The holy hours of the Sabbath have commenced. I thank my heavenly Father for the peace and rest of Spirit that I have in Him. I can trust in His love. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 30

November 3, [1894]

This Sabbath morning I awakened at half past two with decided impressions upon my mind that there is danger before us. It is necessary for us to seek the Lord in earnest prayer when we rise up and when we sit down, when we go out, and when we come in. I attended the morning meeting, and talked about forty minutes to the goodly number assembled. The blessing of the Lord rested upon me as I tried to present to all present the necessity of having a living experience in the things of God. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 31

The forenoon meeting was conducted by Elder Corliss. After his discourse a revival effort was made, and many came forward for prayers. After the discourse in the afternoon we had a testimony meeting and many precious experiences were related. One precious soul was keeping her first Sabbath. An intelligent looking man from the outside said that he had learned more of Jesus in that one meeting than he had learned through all his former church experience. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 32

I cannot sleep beyond half past two or three o’clock in the morning. My mind is wide awake at this unreasonable hour. Who can estimate the value of that knowledge which maketh us wise unto salvation? Who can measure the love which passeth all understanding? When the love of Christ is experienced, the value of missionary instrumentalities will be better understood. How few of the professed servants of God are truly engaged in His service! How few have any realization of what it means to bring religion into their homelife! If the genuine missionary spirit were brought into the homes, if there was co-operation with God in the home circle, we should hear the exclamation, “What hath God wrought!” [Numbers 23:23.] God has never failed to do His part. He has done exceedingly abundantly above all we have asked or thought. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 33

I spoke today to a well-filled tent. Many unbelievers were present. I dwelt upon 2 Peter, first chapter. The Lord gave me His Holy Spirit and I addressed the people with earnestness, presenting the fact that Christ is our only hope and sole dependence. We are to come to Him with our little trials and large perplexities and tell them all to Jesus, believing that He will be our helper, our strength, our sympathizing Friend, for He is touched with the feeling of our infirmities. In the Lord Jehovah is our strength. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 34

The family altar should be erected in every home. Morning and evening we should present our petitions to God. The whole family should be brought before God, recognizing their dependence upon Him and the claims of his service. Eternal reality should be brought to the view of every member of the family. The fact that you make your request known unto God, and ask His guidance, is a confession that Christ is your Leader, your Captain, you divine Teacher. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 35

November 4, [1894]

This morning as I awoke I was repeating these words to my son Willie, “Be careful that you do not show any distrust of God in your decisions concerning land upon which our school should be located. God is your Counsellor, and we are always in danger of showing distrust of God when we seek the advice and counsel of men who do not make God their trust, and who are so devoid of wisdom that they do not recognize God as infinite in wisdom. We are to acknowledge God in all our councils. When we ask Him concerning anything, we are to believe that we receive the things we ask of Him. If you depend upon men who do not love and fear God, who do not obey His commandments, you will surely be brought into very difficult places. Those who are not connected with God are connected with the enemy of God, and the enemy will work through them to lead us into false paths. We do not honor God when we go aside to enquire of the god of Ekron. The question is asked, ‘Is it because there is not a God in Israel, that ye have gone to the god of Ekron to enquire?’” [2 Kings 1:3.] 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 36

We have forfeited everything by sin. Our mercies and blessings come through grace. Those who are disloyal to God are not to be trusted as men capable of passing wise judgment upon matters from which great results will ensue. Satan will be on hand to put suggestions into their minds and words into their mouths that will be entirely contrary to God’s mind and will. They may be honest in giving their advice, because they are blinded and deceived. The man whose God is the Lord is safe. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 37

Christ is pleading in behalf of His people. He is our Advocate, making intercession in our behalf. The Spirit is pleading within us. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 38

It was considered a great sin in ancient times for the people of God to give themselves away to the enemy, and to open before them their perplexities, or to reveal to them their prosperity. It was a sin in the ancient economy to offer a sacrifice upon the wrong altar, or to allow incense to be kindled from a strange fire. We are in danger of commingling the sacred and the common. The holy fire from God is to be used with our offerings. The true altar is Christ, and the true fire, is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is to inspire, to teach, to lead, and to guide men, and make them safe counsellors. If we turn aside from God’s chosen ones, we are in danger of inquiring from strange gods, and of offering upon a strange altar. We shall be answered according to our works. There is not a blessing but that it comes through Christ. Then let us show perfect trust in our Leader, and not enquire of strange gods. Will not God be dishonored if we depend upon the wisdom of the men of this world, which God calls foolishness? Let us go to the Fountain of wisdom. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 39

The Lord says, “Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste. Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet, and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.” [Isaiah 28:16, 17.] “Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? But my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit. Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate saith the Lord. For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” “Will a man leave the snow of Lebanon which cometh from a rock of the field? Or shall the cold flowing waters that come from another place be forsaken? Because my people have forgotten me, they have burned incense to vanity, and they have caused them to stumble in their ways from the ancient paths, to walk in paths, in a way not cast up.” [Jeremiah 2:11-13; 18:14, 15.] 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 40

The Lord has wrought for us in this camp meeting, but there are greater blessings for the whole encampment. The work that ought to have been deep and thorough when the human agent received the truth, has with some been a mere surface work. The root of bitterness has been left to spring up anew, and when temptation again assails them, many will be defiled on account of this. The Lord would have wrought wondrously if they had exercised daily faith, had cultivated that faith which works by love and purifies the soul. The work is only superficial, and the spirit of variance and bitterness and false imagination is quiet for a while, but unless a deeper work is done, it will again spring into life and break forth in envy and evil surmising. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 41

When circumstances transpire to give life to the slumbering demon, the truth of God will again be dishonored because men cherish false thoughts all connected with self, and give utterance to rash words. They pour out the evil thoughts which they have cherished in their hearts, that which has been their meditation, and they are so deceived that they think they are speaking words of truth and righteousness. Every time then indulge themselves in giving expression to their murmurings and complainings, they are permitting the spirit of the enemy to obtain control and to work their ruin. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 42

One of our brethren in particular is in greater danger than he realizes. He needs the molding influence of the Spirit of God to transform his mind, to purify and cleanse his thoughts. His suspicions are easily aroused, and he moves impulsively. He thinks that he has been mistreated; but he is a perplexity and distress and burden to his brethren because he permits his feelings to be easily aroused, and he does not control himself, and makes it impossible for others to direct his course. He is easily irritated and is thus unfitted for kindly association and Christian fellowship with his brethren. It is difficult to solve the problem which his character presents. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 43

How is it that a man may apparently be under the influence of the Spirit of God, may present truth in attractive loveliness, and yet be overbearing, and manifest an irritable spirit, and charge upon innocent brethren accusations that are unjust? These defects may be cured only as he sees their sinfulness and realizes that they are of the same character as were the sins of those who crucified Christ. Every time he yields to his irritable spirit, he abandons himself into the hands of the enemy. This spirit must either be controlled or it will control him to his ruin. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 44

Compared to the world, the Lord’s people are a little flock. If they have not love one for another and confidence in each other, they are not one with Christ. If unity is to exist among the people of God, they must put away the thoughts that are prompted by Satan. When workers are tired out, they should be given time to rest. Never should a minister be placed in a responsible position of trust, or made president of a conference, when he is self-centered and of an irritable spirit. When any restraint is placed upon such an one, he will become unbalanced like one insane. It is not the head that causes all this irritability; it is the heart that is in need of cleansing. It is true that there may be weakness in the head, and the blood is attracted to the weakest point. The channel through which the blood continually flows becomes worn, and because of this, such a case is a critical one. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 45

Our brethren will need to exercise great caution not to excite such an one by any unwise course of action. Unless the human agent shall change his course of action, taking seasons of rest in the midst of his labors, and submitting to have the peace of God rule in his heart, there will be a determination of blood to the brain, and he will be disqualified for labor. The Lord cannot help His servant unless he will co-operate with God, stop worrying, and trust in the Lord. The enemy causes him to dwell upon subjects that he should not dwell upon, and leads him to speak unadvisedly. This is the reason he criticizes in a most unsparing manner; but should he consider Christ, and learn the meekness and lowliness of Christ, he would realize that he is nothing in himself. The Lord Jesus should be his Pattern, and his efficiency, to enable him to imitate the Pattern. He should sit together with Christ in heavenly places and partake of the Spirit of Christ until he could reflect Christ. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 46

Those who teach the truth must learn meekness and lowliness of heart in the school of Christ. This is the most important lesson to be learned by those who would impart truth to others. The most powerful preaching of the Word will avail nothing unless the Spirit teaches and enlightens those who hear. Unless the Spirit works with and through the human agent, souls will not be saved or characters transformed by the reading of the Scriptures. The planning and devising that is done in connection with the work should not be of a character to draw attention to self. The Word is a power, a sword in the hand of the human agent. But the Holy Spirit is its efficiency, its vital power in impressing the mind. “They shall all be taught of God.” [John 6:45.] It is God that causeth the light to shine into the hearts of men. Will my ministering brethren remember that it is essential that God be recognized as the source of our strength, and the Spirit as the Comforter? The great reason why God can do so little for us is that we forget that living virtue comes through our co-operation with the Holy Spirit. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 47

Those who are impetuous must place themselves under the control of a higher power than themselves or else they will make great trouble both for themselves and for those who are associated with them. Moses spoke unadvisedly with his lips, and the Lord was displeased with him, for he misrepresented God before the people. He gave occasion for others to follow his example and thus dishonor God. Satan obtained vantage ground through his course of action. God would have every soul yoke up with Him, and not pull for his own way, going contrary to the will and way of Christ. We are to draw with even cords, co-operating with Christ in elevating and blessing others. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 48

A strife arose between the herdsmen of Abraham and Lot in regard to where they should pasture their cattle. Abraham was always seeking for peace. He would make any sacrifice if by so doing he could keep peace and glorify God. Rather than have contention he gave Lot, his nephew, the choice of the country, and advised separation rather than strife. In the simplicity and greatness of his soul he said, “Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren. Is not the whole land before thee? Separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if thou will take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left.” [Genesis 13:8, 9.] Let not God be dishonored by dissension, jealousy, and strife among brethren. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 49

The Lord will lead and guide the human agent if he will only submit to guidance; but there is continual danger that men will usurp the place of God. The Lord will continue to work through human instrumentalities if men will submit to be molded by the Holy Spirit. In this way only will the character of Christ be revealed. Ministers may thus maintain the truth and have fresh manna with which to feed the hungry sheep of the Lord’s pasture. Some are inclined to mingle self with their work, but human wisdom leads away from holiness. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 50

The servants of Christ must not strive. By patient continuance in well-doing you will receive the approval of God. The praise of men is of no value, because they may make mistakes. The Lord desires to do much more for His people than He has done in unfolding the precious truths of His Word. But those who minister in the Word should be one in judgment and unity. The Holy Spirit is not imparted to one man alone, or to the ministry alone. This gift has been given to the church, that through her individual members light may shine forth to the world. If they will not take glory to themselves, the Lord will be their constant guide. For this reason let no one man consider that he is perfect in judgment, that he needs not to be instructed. The people are not to be educated that they must be told their duty, but to depend upon God, and then counsel together. In the multitude of counselors there is safety. If men look to God for instruction, they will be able to present to others that which God has presented to them. Truths which have been lost sight of, which have been buried with error, will be rescued from the rubbish of human opinions and shine as precious jewels amid the moral darkness of the world. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 51

There is danger that ministers, that presidents of conferences, will take too much upon themselves and manifest too little confidence in the people. The people should be educated in such a way that they will search the Scriptures for themselves. The Holy Spirit is to work to mold every man after the similitude of Christ. Men have made a great mistake in not considering that God works through His church. Ministers should give ample encouragement to the individual members of the church, and to those whom God shall select to do a special work in maturing thoughtful plans for the saving of the souls of those who are in error. Then there would be no contention, no one striving for the mastery or seeking to secure the highest places. The Holy Spirit has much to teach the church when it becomes attentive to the voice of divine truth. The Lord would have the teachers of the church lead the people upward, and in no case give the impression that the people have no need to fulfill their individual responsibilities. If they will walk humbly with God, the Holy Spirit will teach them divine truth and enable them to present the Word with power. The apostle says, “Ye are workers together with God. Ye are God’s husbandry; ye are God’s building.” [1 Corinthians 3:9.] 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 52

Those who are ministers are to be ensamples to the flock; they must not speak hasty, unadvised words, for in so doing they give the people a kind of education that they do not need. Hasty words close the heart to divine influence, and foster a spirit of self-esteem, and counteract the instruction that has been given upon practical godliness while seeking to draw the allegiance of the people to the law of God. Those who think they have been misused are in danger of bearing false witness against their brethren, and are also in danger of leavening the minds of others with distrust and of weakening faith in God’s instrumentalities. Yielding to this manner of spirit will bring about an experience similar to that of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 53

Let the ministers encourage a teachable spirit, an expectant spirit, in order that the truth may be revealed in power. Those who question and doubt concerning God’s instrumentalities create a lack of confidence in men whom God is teaching, guiding, and leading. The seed of doubt which these questioners plant, it is no easy matter to uproot. Those who question others, give occasion for others to question them. Their life and work must testify that they are under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Satan is given every advantage to create distrust, envy, and evil-surmising, when ministers manifest no confidence in their ministering brethren. When men submit to the molding of the Holy Spirit, they close their minds to the suggestions of Satan, but those who listen to his suggestions pass them on to others. It is because men listen to the reasonings of the enemy that they are fitful in feeling, impulsive, rash and reckless. Such men are not safe in positions of trust. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 54

If men and women would follow their ministers only as they follow Christ, then the great evils would not result from the impulsive movement of those who minister in word and doctrine. There are men to whom God has given large opportunities and a good understanding of His Word, but their brethren cannot place confidence in them because when associated with them they give expression to their unguarded impulses. The Lord will work with those who prepare the way for Him. Let ministers open their hearts to Jesus, and He will open their hearts to the truth. Let them live a consistent life, showing that they are believers in and doers of the truth which they preach. Let them reproduce the truth in their lives, becoming living epistles known and read of all men. 10LtMs, Ms 1, 1895, par. 55