God’s Remnant Church (The Remnant Church)


Courage in the Lord*

Recently in the night season, my mind was impressed by the Holy Spirit with the thought that if the Lord is coming as soon as we believe He is, we ought to be even more active than we have been in years past in getting the truth before the people. GRC 58.1

In this connection my mind reverted to the activity of the advent believers in 1843 and 1844. At that time there was much house-to house visitation, and untiring efforts were made to warn the people of the things that are spoken of in God’s word. We should be putting forth even greater effort than was put forth by those who proclaimed the first angel’s message so faithfully. We are rapidly approaching the end of this earth’s history; and as we realize that Jesus is indeed coming soon, we shall be aroused to labor as never before. We are bidden to sound an alarm to the people. And in our own lives we are to show forth the power of truth and righteousness. The world is soon to meet the great Lawgiver over His broken law. Those only who turn from transgression to obedience can hope for pardon and peace. GRC 58.2

We are to raise the banner on which is inscribed, “The commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” Obedience to God’s law is the great issue. Let it not be put out of sight. We must strive to arouse church members, and those who make no profession, to see and obey the claims of the law of Heaven. We are to magnify this law and make it honorable. GRC 58.3

Christ has commissioned us to sow the seeds of truth, and to urge upon our people the importance of the work to be done by those who are living amidst the closing scenes of this earth’s history. As the words of truth are proclaimed in the highways and the byways, there is to be a revelation of the working of the Spirit of God on human hearts. GRC 58.4

Oh, how much good might be accomplished if all who have the truth, the word of life, would labor for the enlightenment of those who have it not. When the Samaritans came to Christ at the call of the Samaritan woman, Christ spoke of them to His disciples as a field of grain ready for harvesting. “Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest?” He said, “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” Christ abode with the Samaritans for two days; for they were hungry to hear the truth. And what busy days they were! As a result of those days of labor, “many more believed because of His own word.” This was their testimony: “We have heard Him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.” GRC 58.5

Who among God’s professing people will take up this sacred work, and labor for the souls who are perishing for lack of knowledge? The world must be warned. Many places are pointed out to me as in need of consecrated, faithful, untiring effort. Christ is opening the hearts and minds of many · in our large cities. These need the truths of God’s word; and if we will come into a sacred nearness with Christ, and will seek to draw near to these people, impressions for good will be made. We need to wake up, and enter into sympathy with Christ and with our fellow men. The large and small cities, and places nigh and afar off, are to be worked, and worked intelligently. Never draw back. The Lord will make the right impressions upon hearts, if we will work in unison with His Spirit. GRC 59.1

I have words of encouragement for you, my brethren. We are to move forward in faith and hope, expecting large things from God. The enemy will seek in every way to hinder the efforts that are being made to advance the truth, but in the strength of the Lord you may gain success. Let no discouraging words be spoken, but only such words as will tend to strengthen and sustain your fellow workers. GRC 59.2