The Story of Redemption -- Study Guide

C. Thought and Discussion Questions

(page numbers are indicated where these questions are discussed but not necessarily answered.) SR-SG 11.1

1. Is there a lesson to be gained from Lucifer’s deception of himself? (p. 16)

SR-SG 11.2

2. Lucifer and his sympathizers are said to have “learned the lesson of genuine rebellion against the unchangeable law of God, and this is incurable.” (p. 17) When had Satan gone too far?

SR-SG 11.3

3. Why is there such a strong appeal to the idea of following our own will rather than God’s law? (p. 18)

SR-SG 11.4

4. What does God’s creation of variety tell us about Him? (p. 20)

SR-SG 11.5

5. Make a study of the tree of life. (p. 22) See The SDA Bible Commentary, Ellen G. White Comments, on Revelation 22:2, volume 7, p. 988.

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6. Compare Satan’s reflections on his sinful condition with those of the wicked at Christ’s second coming. (p. 26, p. 27)

SR-SG 11.7

7. Why does man have a chance to be saved and not Satan? (p. 26) See The Desire of Ages, p. 761.

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8. It is said about Adam and Eve that “if separated from each other they would be in greater danger than if both were together.” (p. 31) Why was association so important then, as well as today?

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9. How does our worship of God in song affect Satan? (p. 31) Do our prayers have a similar effect? See Testimonies for the Church, volume 1, page 346. Is there anything else we might do that would affect him in any way?

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