The Story of Redemption -- Study Guide

Answers to Lesson 4

1. Restraint, course. SR-SG 98.1

2. a. Tried to discover the cause of the Flood from natural means. SR-SG 98.2

b. Tried to turn attention from God to idolatry. SR-SG 98.3

3. a. Separated from one another. SR-SG 98.4

b. Scattered abroad on the earth. SR-SG 98.5

c. Shown that God was supreme. SR-SG 98.6

4. He had faith, true devotion, integrity, generosity, hospitality, commanded respect as a prince, had reverence for God, strict in obedience, godly example, a righteous course, faithful instructions given by him to his household. SR-SG 98.7

5. Polygamy, righteous, wicked. SR-SG 98.8

6. a. His servant Eliezer. SR-SG 98.9

b. Ishmael born to Hagar. SR-SG 98.10

7. God allowed Abraham to send Hagar away when trouble arose. SR-SG 98.11

8. Sarah, servants, he feared they would try to stop him. SR-SG 98.12

9. “Take thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest . . . ; and offer him.” SR-SG 98.13

10. Courtesy and going beyond what was asked. SR-SG 99.1

11. Her brother, father, and finally herself. SR-SG 99.2

12. Esau, venison. SR-SG 99.3

13. Jacob, disposition, happy. SR-SG 99.4

14. a. Favoritism to sons. SR-SG 99.5

b. Polygamy. SR-SG 99.6

15. a. He bought it with pottage. SR-SG 99.7

b. She practiced deception. SR-SG 99.8

16. a. No. SR-SG 99.9

b. Yes, God only provided the prosperity. SR-SG 99.10

17. She never saw him again. SR-SG 99.11

18. She had participated in deceiving him into marrying her. SR-SG 99.12

19. He feared Esau. SR-SG 99.13

20. Twenty, ten. SR-SG 99.14