The Story of Redemption -- Study Guide

B. Study Questions

(Complete the quotations by filling in the missing word or words. Answer the questions by writing your answers in the blanks. Numbers in parentheses at the end of each question indicate pages where answers are found in the text. Many of the questions can be answered with a precise word or phrase, and space has been allowed accordingly. A few questions in each lesson can be answered by summoning many interesting and helpful points, as noted in the answers appearing at the close of the study guide. It is expected that the student will fill in only a few key points which have especially impressed his mind, and space has been so accorded. As examples, see the questions and answers in the first lesson numbered 1, 2, 4, 9, 11, 13, and 18.) SR-SG 7.2

1. Give a physical description of Lucifer. (p. 13)
SR-SG 7.3

2. How did Lucifer sin? (pp. 14-16)
a. In thoughts
b. In words
SR-SG 7.4

3. In what ways did Lucifer misrepresent God to the angels? (pp. 14, 17)
SR-SG 7.5

4. How did sin affect the following? (pp. 15-19)
a. Lucifer’s followers

b. Loyal angels

c. Heaven

SR-SG 7.6

5. When loyal angels pleaded with him to repent, Lucifer denounced them as ________________. (p. 16) SR-SG 7.7

6. “He [Satan] claimed that angels needed no ________________ but should be left free to follow their __________________ _______________________.” (p. 18) SR-SG 8.1

7. “The happiness of the angelic host consisted in their perfect____________________ to ___________________.” (p. 19) SR-SG 8.2

8. Satan was put out of heaven (1) before, (2) after, man was created. (p. 19) SR-SG 8.3

9. How did mountains at Creation differ from mountains today? (p. 20)

SR-SG 8.4

10. Adam “was more than __________________ as tall as men now living upon the earth.” (p. 21) SR-SG 8.5

11. In what ways did God create variety? (pp. 20-23)

SR-SG 8.6

12. “This sinless pair wore no _________________ garments . They were clothed with a _______________ of _______________ and glory, such as the _____________________wear.” (p. 21) SR-SG 8.7

13. List three pleasant activities of Adam and Eve in Eden. (p. 21)
SR-SG 9.1

14. The tree of knowledge “was especially designed of God to be the pledge of their _________________, ___________________, and _____________ to Him.” (p. 24) SR-SG 9.2

15. What was the effect of sin on the disposition of fallen angels? (pp. 24, 25)

SR-SG 9.3

16. What caused Satan’s grief after his fall? (pp. 26, 27)
SR-SG 9.4

17. When Satan became convinced that he could not get back into heaven, where did he go and what did he do? (p. 27)

SR-SG 9.5

18. What two deceptions did Satan use to get his angels to cooperate for man’s fall? (pp. 27, 28)
SR-SG 10.1

19. Satan discarded two methods of temptation and used a third. (p. 29) SR-SG 10.2

Those discarded:
SR-SG 10.3

The method used:

SR-SG 10.4

20. What cautions did the angels give to Adam and Eve? (p. 31)
SR-SG 10.5

21. Satan “could have access to them only at the ____________________________________________.” (p. 31) SR-SG 10.6

22. The angels and Adam and Eve ended their conversation with _________________________. (p. 31) SR-SG 10.7