The Story of Redemption -- Study Guide


B. Study Questions

1. What two major tactics of opposition has Satan used against the church? Which has been more successful? (pp. 320, 322)
SR-SG 70.2

2. “The ____________________ which they endured brought _______________ nearer to one _______________ and to their __________.” (p. 321) SR-SG 70.3

3. When persecution ceased, what tactic did Satan substitute? (p. 322)

SR-SG 70.4

4. What two classes are among those who profess to follow Christ? (p. 323)
SR-SG 70.5

5. “None could so well understand how to ______________ the true Christian _____________ as could those who had once been its ______________.” (p. 324) SR-SG 70.6

6. What is the only reason there is so little persecution today? (p. 325)

SR-SG 70.7

7. Why is the Sabbath important, and why does Satan hate it so? (p. 330)
SR-SG 71.1

8. In every age, what three doctrines have been especially cherished by God’s witnesses? (p. 355)
SR-SG 71.2

9. How did God use Wycliffe’s intellectual ability? (p. 366)

SR-SG 71.3

10. “The greatest ________________________ of his [Wycliffe’s] life was the ___________________ of the _____________ into the ____________ language.” (p. 336) SR-SG 71.4

11. Luther’s only fear was the fear of ________________, and his only foundation for religious faith was the __________________________________. (p. 340) SR-SG 71.5

12. Luther’s “__________________ captivated his hearers, the _______________ and power with which he presented the __________________ convinced their _______________, and his deep ____________________ touched their hearts.” (p. 341) SR-SG 71.6

13. List the doctrines that Luther taught. (p. 342)

SR-SG 71.7

14. What descriptive words are used to picture Luther at Worms? (p. 347)

SR-SG 72.1

15. Why was it important for Luther not to compromise on even one point? (p. 349)

SR-SG 72.2

16. “Luther possessed ____________________, _____________________, and _____________________ and at times was in danger of going to ____________________.” (p. 349) Peter too. SR-SG 72.3

17. Of what value was Melanchthon as Luther’s partner? (pp. 349, 350)

SR-SG 72.4