The Story of Redemption -- Study Guide
C. Thought And Discussion Questions
1. Make a study of the various people who were in the crowd at the crucifixion of Christ. (pp. 220, 221) SR-SG 56.1
2. Contrast the two thieves who died with Christ. Were there others in the crowd who accepted Christ in addition to one thief? (pp. 222, 223)
SR-SG 56.2
3. The seal placed on the tomb more fully established the truth of the resurrection. What is the usual result when men try to suppress truth? (p. 229)
SR-SG 56.3
4. Compare the power of one loyal angel to the crowd of evil angels around Christ’s tomb. Does this offer encouragement? (p. 230)
SR-SG 56.4
5. How did the resurrection affect the Roman guard, the angels in heaven, Satan and his angels, the priests and elders, many of the righteous dead, the holy women, Thomas, Pilate, the other disciples? (pp. 230-238)
SR-SG 56.5
6. How did the righteous resurrected differ in size? (p. 233) See GC 637-645 for comparison.
SR-SG 56.6
7. Pilate “refused to be comforted and died a most miserable death.” (p. 237) Is this the price for “washing our hands” of Christ’s death?
SR-SG 57.1
8. The disciples and the mother of Jesus spent the night following the resurrection “talking over His wonderful acts and the strange and glorious events which had taken place.” (p. 240) No one was sleeping now. Could you?
SR-SG 57.2
9. Begin a list of ways people were won to Christ. Continue through chapter 43.
SR-SG 57.3
10. “From this time forth the language of the disciples was pure, simple, and accurate in word and accent, whether they spoke their native tongue or a foreign language.” (p. 246) Take note of the lasting qualities of the gift of tongues. What connection is there between this and the refining and transforming influence of conversion in a life? Cite some examples.
SR-SG 57.4