The Story of Redemption -- Study Guide
C. Thought and Discussion Questions
1. How did the false spies contradict themselves in an attempt to discredit Caleb and Joshua? (p. 159) (See Numbers 13 and PP 389)
SR-SG 41.2
2. What does the term “murmur” mean? (pp. 159, 160) (See 5BC 741 on Luke 5:30 for comparative study)
SR-SG 41.3
3. God pardons but does not excuse sin. Study Numbers 14:18 for an understanding of God’s mercy not clearing guilt. (p. 162) SR-SG 41.4
4. What are the “ten times” Israel tempted God? (p. 162) (See Numbers 14:22)
SR-SG 41.5
5. Why are the sins of good men especially offensive to God? (p. 168)
SR-SG 41.6
6. As Moses developed in character, what happened to his weak traits? (p. 168) Can the same thing happen to us? (See GW 126, MM 41, and 2T 511 for an encouraging study)
SR-SG 41.7
7. In noting the contention over Moses’ body, what lesson can be gained as to the importance of one sin? (pp. 173, 174)
SR-SG 42.1
8. “An erring people often understand God’s requirements to suit their own case; therefore the book of Moses was preserved in a most sacred place, for future reference.” (p. 172) This is a significant statement on written preservation of God’s messages to mankind. Why are God’s messages often misunderstood?
SR-SG 42.2