The Story of Redemption -- Study Guide

C. Thought and Discussion Questions

1. What effect does the righteous living of one person have on one who is unrighteous? Does this give one reason for persecution? (p. 54)

SR-SG 21.4

2. It is said that Adam “mourned more deeply” over the falling leaf and the drooping flowers than “men now mourn over their dead.” (p. 55) How do you explain this?

SR-SG 21.5

3. How will the Garden of Eden be different in the new earth? (p. 58)

SR-SG 21.6

4. Compare the heredity of Seth with that of Adam. See Genesis 1:27 and Genesis 5:3. SR-SG 22.1

5. What other Bible persons were affected by communion with God in addition to Enoch? Could it happen in our day? (p. 59)

SR-SG 22.2

6. Is it possible to live a godly life today and not be considered a fanatic as Noah was in his day? (p. 63) Were there other Bible persons who were considered fanatics? Why?

SR-SG 22.3

7. Why was the ark built so that Noah could not shut the door? (p. 65)

SR-SG 22.4

8. Note that a large number of people accepted Noah’s message at first and then they were “placed upon probation--to be proved and tried.” (p. 64) How were Millerites similarly tested? Will God’s remnant people be similarly tested?

SR-SG 22.5