The Sanctified Life -- Study Guide
Chapter 10
Christian Character
1. What shows the character of the Christian? (80)
SL-SG 20.1
2. How is that life best demonstrated? (80)
SL-SG 20.2
3. How does a child show love to his parents? (81)
SL-SG 20.3
4. How do some who profess to be children of God sometimes act? (81)
SL-SG 20.4
5. What does it mean to love one another as Christ has loved us? (82)
SL-SG 20.5
6. For today: How can we wear the yoke of Christ and yet find it easy? (82)
SL-SG 20.6
7. How can we avoid depending on the experience of others? (83)
SL-SG 21.1
8. It is not only our ___________________ but our ___________________ to maintain a close union with Christ. (83) SL-SG 21.2
9. “The prophets and apostles did not perfect Christian character by a ___________________.” SL-SG 21.3
How did they do it? (84) SL-SG 21.4
10. “___________________ is the sure ___________________ of Christian ___________________.” (85) SL-SG 21.5
11. What does the apostle Paul tell us to do about the past? The future? (86) See Phil 3:7-14.
SL-SG 21.6
12. Meditate on the four passages of Scripture from the apostle Paul. (86-88)
1 Thessalonians 4:2, 3
Philippians 2:12-15
Titus 3:1-8
Colossians 3:12-17
SL-SG 21.7